
Water!!!!...... NOW!!!!!

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yeah i keep hearing you're meant to drink 2 litres a day. I hate tap water, but bottled water is alright.

I still never drink enough though, if i drink 2 litres i just end up going to the toilet all day... seems like a waste!!

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I drink at least a gallon a day. Sounds like a lot, but the more you think about it..it's pretty easy.

To start just keep a bottle of water (in a mug or something) around you at all times. In the car, at your desk, next to your bed...etc. You dont have to down it all at once...just keep it around to drink and when you look at it, just drink it! TEEHEE Or just sip on it throughout the day if that's all you can do.

It's really good to up the amount you drink, flushes out all those nasty toxins! B| You will also notice your skin wont get as dry (around cuticles, etc)...does WONDERS for your complexion! :)

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yeah i keep hearing you're meant to drink 2 litres a day. I hate tap water, but bottled water is alright.

I still never drink enough though, if i drink 2 litres i just end up going to the toilet all day... seems like a waste!!

You get used to it after a time. The first week or so it seems like you're CONSTANTLY running to the bathroom, after that it's ok because your body adjusts to the situation.

I usually drink 3 liters of water a day, in addition to my morning cups of coffee and whatever beverage I have with my meals.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Crystal Light makes these little single serving to-go tubes now that you pour in a water bottle. You can flavor your water and only add 5 calories to it. I like them because I get tired of drinking plain water too.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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if i drink 2 litres i just end up going to the toilet all day... seems like a waste!!

Your body isn't use to it. If you drink 2 liters every day (consistantly) for a couple weeks, at the end of those weeks, you won't be running to the restroom every 5 minutes. LOL

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People are so over-concerned with drinking water. Yes, it is important, yes, you need it, but you don't have to be constantly drinking water. Liz, at your weight, you should only need like 70 ounces a day. That really isn't that much and is pretty easy to do. Drink a pints sized glass about 3 times a day, that's it. Plus, if you drink other juices and things, the water in that counts too. Your body will only use so much water. If you are drinking tons of it and toting a water bottle around all day, you are wasting your time and energy.

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My roommate in college used to make a big pitcher of Crystal Light everyday and drink the whole thing to make sure she was getting enough water.

After a while, she noticed that she was forgetting conversations that just happened and other little things.

A friend of hers asked about her daily Nutrasweet intake - turns out all that Crystal Light was frying her short-term memory. She stopped drinking it, and her memory went back to normal.

Bottom line - water good, sweetened water OK, LOTS of sweetened water bad.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Crystal Light makes these little single serving to-go tubes now that you pour in a water bottle. You can flavor your water and only add 5 calories to it. I like them because I get tired of drinking plain water too.

I like that idea. Sounds like it would help a lot too! :)

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well, right now i'm trying to go from practically no water to as much as i can drink...... which is not ALL that much. since i started drinking more water and eating really healthy i feel a lot better and have a lot more energy. waking up in the morning especially i notice a difference. but i'm also working out a lot too.

then, of course... i go to xkeys for the weekend and f*ck it all up!!!!!!! :D

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well, right now i'm trying to go from practically no water to as much as i can drink...... which is not ALL that much. since i started drinking more water and eating really healthy i feel a lot better and have a lot more energy. waking up in the morning especially i notice a difference. but i'm also working out a lot too.

then, of course... i go to xkeys for the weekend and f*ck it all up!!!!!!! :D

Like they said above...just keep it handy - you'll find yourself with an empty bottle without remembering drinking it at all.

USDA recommends a MINIMUM of 8, 8oz. glasses of water a day. That's 3 bottles of "sports drink" plus a tidge more.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Well, your personal trainer didn't do much better at Xkeys!:D

You will get used to the amount of water you need to drink and it won't be such an effort. On top of the minimum, you also should consume 8 ounces of water per 20 minutes of exercise. But that is easy, cuz if you suck down onw Gatorade or something, you are pretty much covered.

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I found that getting a filter for my tap (the faucet-end type) did wonders for the flavor of the water, and with that, my likelihood of drinking lots.

I drink at least 1/2 gallon a day at work; less when it's not a work day unless I make a point, just because I don't have my 1-quart mug by me all the time.

Wendy W.
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Hey Weege,
Get yourself a camelbak or equivalent. I wear mine to the dz and when i have it on, i am constantly sipping on it to keep me hydrated. I have found that i am not nearly as tired at the end of the day. Of course, DON'T put rockstar and vodka in it at the end of the day like i did.:D

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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80 ounces of water every day - religiously.

But I can't do regular water (makes me gag! ick!), so I buy the 24 pack cases of fruit2o at Sams Club (2 every week) and drink 4 of them a day.

It has seriously helped with my workout routine and weight loss efforts - not so much that it has made me lose weight but that it makes me feel full so I don't eat.

Arianna Frances

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Hey Weege,
Get yourself a camelbak or equivalent. I wear mine to the dz and when i have it on, i am constantly sipping on it to keep me hydrated. I have found that i am not nearly as tired at the end of the day. Of course, DON'T put rockstar and vodka in it at the end of the day like i did.:D

You should be drinking a lot of water today!
"Well behaved women rarely make history"

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