
Water!!!!...... NOW!!!!!

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I have those big 50 oz bottles that I refill at my parent's house once a week (they have really good well water). I drink at least one of those while I'm at work (8:30 AM - 5:30 PM). I generally drink another 2-3 8oz glasses at home plus gatorade when I work out.

Anyway... I found that having the 50 oz bottles helps me monitor my intake so I drink enough. Also keeps me running to the bathroom every 30 mins, but that's good for circulation. :D

Edited to add: Since I started drinking more water, I get way fewer breakouts and I have less headaches.

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I've heard that drinking large amounts of water can leech your body of important vitamins and minerals. So just make sure you take your vitamins as well with the increased water intake.


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I've heard that drinking large amounts of water can leech your body of important vitamins and minerals.

Thats only if you drink large amounts in a very short period of time (like 2 gallons in 5 minutes). The body has a way of regulating water absorbtion as long as it is not over-inundated.

Arianna Frances

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I drink water *constantly*. In high school, I would get these wicked headaches all the time and my mom asked how much water I drank during the day. We realized I'd maybe drink a soda with lunch and that was it. So I started carrying a water bottle around with me and I have ever since. I probably drink 6 to 8 liters a day most days. I tend to stay pretty damned healthy, have very few headaches, and great skin (nice side benefit). Take vitamins twice a day and eat pretty healthy, so I don't think I have any vitamin deficiencies.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Water is so much better for your body than you may think, Liz. Even though I do not work out at all (and I should), plus eat unhealthy (embarrassed to admit that), I drink enough water to keep my body very well-hydrated. That amount differs from person to person.

I usually have water bottles with me...in my car, purse, gear bag, etc. Bottled water is what I drink whenever I am not in my home, and I cannot recommend it enough. Try to drink water more often, and you will see your body, skin, etc. react very positively to it. You will be glowing.

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I've heard that drinking large amounts of water can leech your body of important vitamins and minerals.

Thats only if you drink large amounts in a very short period of time (like 2 gallons in 5 minutes). The body has a way of regulating water absorbtion as long as it is not over-inundated.


Did you know that you run the risk of death from sudden imbibing of too much water? It can thin your blood to dangerous saturated levels. But usually, the worst case scenario happens while you're doing some intense physical activity. I think a runner died not long ago during a road race from drinking too much water...

Drink water moderately, just like alcohol... ;)
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Did you know that you run the risk of death from sudden imbibing of too much water? It can thin your blood to dangerous saturated levels.

It doesn't dangerously thin your blood. It will, however, deplete you of needed electrolytes, especially sodium and potassium. Lose too much potassium and your heart will stop. Ouch.
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It can be difficult to BEGIN to drink mostly water, but try it! People who switch to drinking more water (rather than other drinks), usually look and FEEL much better, than when they were drinking less. There is no substitute. Once you begin to make it a regular drink for yourself, you will even begin to crave the taste and feel (within your body) of water. :)
(Btw, thank you, Liz...genetics.)

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60-80 oz in a day. Depending on my mood and workout.

Blach! Id much rather drink Mt Dew, or Red Bull, or either of the two with vodka in them1!!B|
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How much water do you drink in a day? I've been ordered to drink more, and I keep forgetting. Erf!

:P Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt! :P

Drink it now, if you don't your going to piss me off.>:( Ready, set, go:D:D

Thanks a lot, coach!! Now I do have to pee every 5 minutes!!!!!! Is that TMI??? :D:ph34r:

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How much water do you drink in a day? I've been ordered to drink more, and I keep forgetting. Erf!

:P Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt! :P

Drink it now, if you don't your going to piss me off.>:( Ready, set, go:D:D

Thanks a lot, coach!! Now I do have to pee every 5 minutes!!!!!! Is that TMI??? :D:ph34r:


The Original Cabana Boy!

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Hey Weege,
Get yourself a camelbak or equivalent. I wear mine to the dz and when i have it on, i am constantly sipping on it to keep me hydrated. I have found that i am not nearly as tired at the end of the day. Of course, DON'T put rockstar and vodka in it at the end of the day like i did.:D

Another good point of info: By the time you feel thirsty, you're already partially dehydrated....
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
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It bears mentioning that the common idea that everyone must drink 8 glasses of water today has no basis in science.


but more importantly,

Science Daily.

and the original Dartmouth study here

The biggest source of the falacy seems to be that when calculating required water intake, people often forget that they should INCLUDE water found naturally in foods. If you consider that common lettuce is 80% water, a good sized salad will quickly reduce ones required water input. People should also include coffee, soda, and small amounts of alcohol.

Other myths, such as the one that says 'dark urine means your dehydrated', or 'if you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated' are also discussed.

Personally, I drink about 25 ounces of pure water daily, plus a cup or two of coffee, a can or two of diet soft drinks, and sometimes a glass of wine.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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I'm with you. My dad's a doctor. Every time he hears someone give advice to drink tons of water, he explains that drinking more water than your body needs just makes you have to pee more. Course he doesn't believe in herbal medication or any voodoo science either.


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Well, regardless of what "studies" or "doctors" say, I feel better when I drink more water. Beat that evidence.

I agree, water helps curb my appetite, plus with living in CO at a high altitude that is very dry you loose water with just breathing and don’t even know it. I was always getting dehydrated before I supplemented my water intake from other drinks and food with the 2 nalgenes a day. I agree that that to much to fast especially after working out is bad, but that is why most people in endurance sports drink some kind of sports drink with their water. For example one of the top ranked 4 person co-ed adventure racing teams fills their camelback with Gatorade and the bottles on their bike with water. I actually do the opposite though since I’m not pushing as hard, camelback with water, bottles with emergen-C.
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> 1-2 gallons depending on season.

That can be dangerous. Drinking that much water can lead to hyponatremia, a condition of insufficient sodium that can lead to lethargy, breathing trouble and even seizures. Over the past few years drinking too much water has killed three people in the military. One died after drinking 12 quarts of water in a day.

Drinking some amount of water (around 2 liters a day, or 1 liter per 50 lbs of body weight) is good for your kidneys and can help your body flush toxins. As with anything else, overdoing it can be just as bad as not doing it enough. 2 gallons is going to do you more harm than good in the long run, and may seriously threaten your health.

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> 1-2 gallons depending on season.

That can be dangerous. Drinking that much water can lead to hyponatremia, a condition of insufficient sodium that can lead to lethargy, breathing trouble and even seizures. Over the past few years drinking too much water has killed three people in the military. One died after drinking 12 quarts of water in a day.

Drinking some amount of water (around 2 liters a day, or 1 liter per 50 lbs of body weight) is good for your kidneys and can help your body flush toxins. As with anything else, overdoing it can be just as bad as not doing it enough. 2 gallons is going to do you more harm than good in the long run, and may seriously threaten your health.

Thanks Bill, I appreciate the post. 2 gallons is kind of unusual for me, but I have had that much on some summer days. I also have more salt than most people so I do get sufficient sodium.

Maybe I should've said 1 to 1.5. Also, 12 quarts is quite a bit of water.

Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

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