
What is the name and location of the single best pizza place you've ever been to?

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Tossup between Crozet Pizza in Crozet, Virginia, and Satisfaction, in Durham, NC.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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In Smithtown, New York (L.I.) we had Carlo's Pizza right there on Main St., and they were pretty awesome. They even had gelato! :)
Also, up North Country Rd. was Nick's Pizza, also very good. I think they might not be there anymore, or someone else took over. The place had been there since the twenties!

Down here in Florida, there is still good pizza, believe it or not. Like me, you may have heard these legends that there is no good pizza in Florida. That's bunk. You just have to find the places run by expatriate New Yorkers! B|

One such place is Nola's Pizza on Forest Hill Blvd. in Greenacres, Palm Beach County, and another is Pizza Girls on Clematis St. in downtown West Palm Beach.

Good pizza is priceless.

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Damiano's Pizza. Fairfax Avenue, LA. 13 years ago.

I first parsed that as "Domino's", and I was going to have you killed.

LMFAO!!!!!!! I would have done the job for nothing! :D

Hey, how come no one's mentioned any places in NYC?! Isn't that supposed to be the pizza mecca?

Any old-time Long Islanders may remember a place in Commack called Chicago Pizza Pub. They had awesome deep-dish pizza, where the cheese was under the tomato sauce, which had chunks in it! But really the thing to die for there was their Mostaciolli. I used to drive there special to pick up a large crock to take home...

Ahh, I miss that place. I really do. [:/]

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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What is the name and location of the single best pizza place you've ever been to?

THE OWL's NEST in Saranac Lake N.Y. (near Lake Placid):)
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It would be a very close competition between an amazing Pizzeria in central Naples and an equally amazing Pizzeria just up the hill from the excavation site of Herculaneum (modern day Ercolano). The two best pizzas I have ever had the joy to eat! :)

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Regina Pizzeria, Camp Springs MD. I haven't been there in 23 years, but they are STILL the best I've ever had.
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-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
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Uno's Pizza in downtown Chicago. Best hotdog was at a Weiner Circle in Chi-town.
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Piece in Wicker Park, Chicago. It's also a microbrewery...in addition to their own brews, they have the best beer list I've ever seen at a neighborhood pizza joint, too!


Unfortunately, the cast of MTV's Real World worked there, once. :S

"Scared of love, love and aeroplanes...falling out, I said takes no brains." -- Andy Partridge (XTC)

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I couldn't even begin to remember the name of it, but there's this pizza place in Toronto, Canada that my dad used to take me to when I was little. I really don't remember a lot about the place, but I remember the slices of pizza were huge and dripping with cheese.

Man, I wish I knew the name of the place now.

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The best was a Sicilian White Pizza made by an old Sicilian in his home. It was closely replicated by some Italian joint in D.C., but I can't remember the name of it. White pizza rocks.
-There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.

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Some little old Place on the NW side of Chicago.. 30 years ago. had grease pens to write on the walls.. a deep dish to die for

The Original Gino's East.

Still around, just moved to a bigger location. You can still write on the walls, tables, etc.

Best. Pizza. Ever.

No one makes pizza like Chicago. No one.

yummmm... great now i want pizza

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Felipe's Pizza on Garnet St. in San Diego Ca.
Mmmmm...... Been there forever and sooo good!

In O-town the queen of the pigs is Planet Pizza..The best around.



Swoo Rodriguez #1020, LawnDart, AR #007

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OMG I don't know how I forgot this one, but

MILD WALLY'S on Quail Street in Albany, NY. There were reasons why that place won awards.

The slogan on their matchbooks?:

"You're drunk: We're open."

I shit you not. :D
That was the first place I ever had "cold cheese" as a pizza slice topping. Amazing, and yet so simple! Just put extra cheese on it, but don't put it in the oven.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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