
What is the name and location of the single best pizza place you've ever been to?

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The best pizza is nearly anywhere in New york City. My favorite has got to be De Marco's
W. Houston St. (McDougal St.) I also really used to like Pronto Pizza in times square, but it moved and i can't remember where it is now.

Joe's Pizza between 34th and 35th on 7th ave is delicious as well!

Yumm now I want pizza!


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The Original Gino's East.

Still around, just moved to a bigger location. You can still write on the walls, tables, etc.

Best. Pizza. Ever.

No one makes pizza like Chicago. No one.

yummmm... great now i want pizza

The office is ordering Lou Malnati's butter-crust for our conference call today!
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Sorry to say it, you guys do not know real Pizza.

Those bread and cheese concotions they serve in Chicago are not pizza. It's a sad attempt at pizza by a city that never learned to make a crust.

Try Grimaldi's in Brooklyn (19 Old Fulton St, Brooklyn, NY) or John's Pizza at 278 Bleeker St.

If you want GREAT squares, go to L&B Spumoni Gardens 2725 - 86 Street Brooklyn.

Don't waste your time outside of NY. It's just an imitation. Flattering; but, never truly satisfying.

Sorry if the truth hurts.


The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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Everything is good in Austin

oh how I miss that place!

Me too! I'm going back for a visit in the summer, but I would like to move back there eventually (just not a good time right now)...

I always liked Mangia Chicago Stuffed Pizza down on Lake Austin Blvd... But it's hard to choose. There are lots of good pizza places...

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I don't recall the name of the place (prolly isn't there anymore), but there used to be a little hole-in-the-wall pizza shop in the old part of New London, Ct. that made the best pizza on earth. It was a few doors down from a place called "The Puritan Tea Room" -- which was either an old ladies' hangout or a brothel ... never investigated.

On a similar note, the best Chinese food I ever had was at a place in Rota, Spain ... that was run by Greeks.

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I say we need to organize a cross country field trip and try them all out.


Sounds like a great plane as long as there is a dropzone nearby.;)

sounds like a plan. This isn't the best thread to be reading when you're hungry....:o

Scars remind us that the past is real

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