
How did you discover dropzone.com?

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A friend of mine told me about dz.com. His knowing that I like to stay-up with things pertaining to rigging and skydiving, thought it might be helpful... which it has been. I got to reading different topics and really got to enjoying the folks and topics in the bonfire. Never did check-out rec.com. This is too good of a place to pass up. Thenks for letting me visit.:)


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There are dropzone.com t-shirts? :P

I first found out about it when I was in AFP training, and some friends at Pahokee told me to check the classified here for used gear to buy.

It was a long while after that before I discovered the discussion forums! I was like, "OH! There's a forum, too?!" :D

Now, I've met some super people who have become great friends through this place. :)
You're one of 'em, Katee!

Blue skies,
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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i sumbled across dz.com back in july of 00' when i was in germany and was looking for a place to jump that was close....ended up posting and the rest is history.......and i even eventually found a place that was 15 minutes away.........

for those in europe www.skydiveworld.com is a real nice site that extensivly covers europe...

"i have no reader's digest version"

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A few friends told me I should check it out and I was like, Nah i don't want to.Not for me.
Then another friend was really hooked and i just wanted to understand why ? I blame,i mean, thank Weegegirl
for the influence. Met a lot of nice people since then.
Thanks Liz.

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I was drawn to this light on the internet... . . . ;)
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Before I got on here, I was a regular reader and poster on rec.skydiving, then some other poster mentioned this site, and I got in it. I did register for it, but I may have felt overwhelmed by the vast amount of information and how it was structured, because I didn't really start becoming a post-whore until last September or October... ;)

Now I can't remember the last time I checked rec.skydiving... last I heard, all the dropzone.com rejects and banned posters go there... :ph34r:
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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After the military transferred me, I guess I was missing hanging around the jump scene (flew jumpers for 10 years in San Antonio). Searched the web one day and here I is....B| Even though I don't jump much, this site keeps me in the loop....


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Didn't Parachutist have an article on skydiving websites in like.. 2001 or so?:S

I thought that that was where I learned about DZ.com and Enclave.com.

Who knows though.. maybe it was skydiving magazine?:P

I dunno.

"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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IT was a while ago, but I stumbled on it during a web-surf session looking for more information about the sport when I was REALLY getting into it.


That's what I did, 1st Jump was August 10th 2002, found and registered on Dizzy Sept 29 2002
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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came across it when i was looking to buy used gear!

Ditto for me too. It was forever before i realized that the forums were free to sign up.:$ I constantly read them and lurked for about a year or two before i signed up.:D Back then freaksis, and froggy were all the rage.:D

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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I used to have an old PC with a dial up connection,, This site back then was the only one to load up and enjoy... There was really only a handful of regulars, maybe 30 when I signed up!! Now I cant keep up and seldom post, but still enjoy it and recommend it to newcomers as a knowledge base for every discipline...

Sangiro has done an awesome job over the years updating and maintaining it. We all owe him jumps and beer for what he's accomplishedB|

Natural Born FlyerZ.com

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Beth is right on target. I lurked a lot and posted a little over on rec when she, Rev, Peanut and Alan were post whoring, but got very little satisfaction in the mindless banter. It was very hard to keep a "serious" thread serious and it was ridiculous that an old retard with under 200 jumps was sort of "king of the roost". It was worse that he was spouting nonsensical crap about all forms of training he had no concept of. It has been years since I even bothered to take a peek over there; is it still even in existence?

Even in it's original form, this site had a place for bullshitting and places for getting proper answers to serious questions. Most reasonable people were happy that it wasn't an unmoderated free-for-all like rec. I happened onto the original site (Sangiro's Synergy) by way of the old skydivers "web ring" and have been around ever since. I eased into it by only responding to the serious training questions in the Safety and Training forum and ultimately got asked if some of my posts could be used on the main page as articles. I became a moderator when the site went from three forums (Talkback, G&R, S&T) to pretty much it's current configuration. While there are some pretty slick, more-specified forums (Kevin's "FlyBirdman.com" and Jim's "CanopyPiloting.com"), none have ever, nor will ever get this amount of traffic and participation, even in those specific topics.


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