
How did you discover dropzone.com?

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You left out rec dot. There was a thred about some crappy new site called dropzone.com and how effed up it was because it was moderated, and how effing lovey dovey it was . . .

edited 'cause I can't spell 'thred.'

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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I was doing searches of websites related to skydiving about 5 years ago and found HH's Geocities page that led here.

I mostly lurked the previous 2 incarnations of DZ.com and the rest is history.:)
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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You left out rec dot. There was a thered about some crappy new site called dropzone.com and how effed up it was because it was moderated, and how effing lovey dovey it was . . .

I've heard references to rec. but never visited it. Sounds like a harsh place though.


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Can't remember exactly how I found it the first time. There were a few skydiving forums spread around. This one pretty much sucked. Too slow and too hard to navigate compared to rec.skydiving, which actually wasn't too awful then. But I forgot about this site for a while until I saw that someone had come from here to my ftp server. Registered to say hi. By that point rec.skydiving had begun to really die so I stuck around. :)

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After getting the 2002 WFFC video, I decided to go to 2003 WFFC & saw DZ.com as a vendor at the web site...click!
Here I am.
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I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Wow this thread brought back some nice memories of when I first got into skydiving 3+ years ago. I remember I couldn't get a damn thing done at work because I kept having level one go through my head. Then it was level three or six or something, then the rest of them. I'd never had something grab me that much. I would do searches for anything skydiving/skydiver/skidive/parachute related and this site eventually popped up. Ah the good ole days. I remember reading every single thread and when I was done I'd start at the top looking for new posts. I knew EVERYTHING that went on in here. Sounds kind of silly now but it was exactly what I needed back then. I still read posts but mostly if they catch my attention, use my name or are by someone I know.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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I found this site when one of my co-workers daughter's were killed skydiving and no one had any details and they were all saying her chute didn't open. That wasn't a good enough explaination for me.

I called the DZ where I thought the accident happened and they said that I could go to dropzone.com and do a search for this persons name and get the details from there.

It was the things people were writing about her and the passion that everyone seemed to have for this sport that made me decide to see why someone as successful as she was would do something so risky. I tried it and was hooked and understood why she jumped. And I am hooked on dz.com as well.


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You left out rec dot. There was a thered about some crappy new site called dropzone.com and how effed up it was because it was moderated, and how effing lovey dovey it was . . .

I used to read recdot and saw a reference to it. Got really tired of Snuffy and Peanut :(
Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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You left out rec dot. There was a thered about some crappy new site called dropzone.com and how effed up it was because it was moderated, and how effing lovey dovey it was . . .

I used to read recdot and saw a reference to it. Got really tired of Snuffy and Peanut :(

Whew, he didn't mention that "Rev" guy. :):P

Peanut was actually the instructor that finished my training 3 years after I started skydiving. I also found this site through the rec. I didn't get sick of Peanut though (he's my pappy!), but Jimmy Smith (Snuffy)...:S[:/]:oB|>:(:(:S... He's why I actually decided to figure out how to use my killfile. I still lurk over there, and actually post on occasion. I met a great deal of people in from the rec, but most of them are also now here, and I emt a shit load more that are only here. That makes this the new(er) home, and I'm happy. :)
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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I was looking for skydiving graphics (clipart type stuff), and found a whole bunch that Sangiro had made. Although I don't remember exactly how I found it - I think I linked to it from the site with the graphics.

The earliest I can remember exploring Dropzone.com was 2000, but it may have been earlier. If I remember correctly, the original site color scheme was navy blue and white.
Arrive Safely


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Searched Dejanews.com for a skydiving newsgroup after my first tandem in 2003. came across rec.

Someone was nice enough to point me in this direction before I decided skydiving people were all jerks :P

Arianna Frances

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I heard some people on my home DZ talking about it when I was a student going through my first jump course.

[Edited because it's late]

...the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, and make it possible.
- T.E. Lawrence

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