
"You're one of those irresponsible skydiver types"

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My wife and I at various times have been called selfish for the way we live.:D:D:D:D

My standard reply is would you prefer i had kids begrudgingly and raise them not ever wanting them in the 1st place.
So yeah I'm selfish, but I can live with that. Just cause they have kids they feel everyone should be burdened by them

Don;t get me wrong I love kids, that's why I'm a teacher, I just believe that's there's a huge distinction between liking kids and wanting to be a "parent", I have absolutly NO desire to be a parent.

It's hard enough for me to look after the child inside me let alone one on the outside of my head:D:D:D
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Yep - thats the point of view I have at the moment. Ya, they're cute, but not for me... yet.

I've got a few years before we're no longer able to make the choice to not be parents, so we're not going to rush it.

Glad I'm not the only one who's gotten that kind of flack.

Arianna Frances

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Hi Jen,
Just like you and your husband, "Been there, done that and got the 'T' shirt!!" Amazing how the people who bitch and say you are selfish are really the selfish ones!! They only wish they had the balls to live their poor miserable lives like you do!!! Rock on! Like fine whiskey, it takes TIME!!!!!! Enjoy your life. It's like the sign I saw in front of a realestate office, it said, "Get Lots while you are young!!!"
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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Got you beat: all we have are plants... and we need to throw them away every few months after we kill them. [:/]


Yup, same with me and Andy! We've recently killed our mint and chili pepper plants. :D


How on earth did you kill Mint and Chilli? they are more like weeds! they never die! ever! :D

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How on earth did you kill Mint and Chilli? they are more like weeds! they never die! ever! :D

That's what my parents said...lol! What can I say, we have a gift. ;) :D

"Scared of love, love and aeroplanes...falling out, I said takes no brains." -- Andy Partridge (XTC)

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My wife and I had a very similar discussion yesterday.
Started out as maybe we should get a baby rabbit.
me-harumph. ummm no.
Baby cat? oooh no you dont.
Baby dog? we alreday have a dog, and shes a handful.
Baby? (I was driving at the time) swerving, tires screeching, couging, etc.
So the conversation began... but thats not the important part.
After spending the day shopping for a new tv, taking a break a a nearby resturant for food and margaritas, going back to buy a TV. It was decided.
No babys of any kind. Why?

We love to travel, and have many more places we want to see. We dont feel that we could do the things that we want, and provide a healthy growing environment for anything, much less a child. We do own a house, but where I live, financially it makes sense. House payments are often much less than rent. We do love our little house. Emphasis on little.
Read: easy to clean (if you care about a clean house :D)
I dont call it irresponsible. I call it living life the way I want. So I can be happy. So we can be happy. If other people dont get that. So what. I could care less. Their opinion about my lifestyle doesnt ever appear on my "give a shit" list. :o

Good for you. Enjoy it while you can.
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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We love to travel, and have many more places we want to see. We dont feel that we could do the things that we want, and provide a healthy growing environment for anything, much less a child. We do own a house, but where I live, financially it makes sense. House payments are often much less than rent. We do love our little house. Emphasis on little.
Read: easy to clean (if you care about a clean house :D)

Woah... you guys sound just like us! Minus the cheaper to buy vs. rent... We have dirt cheap rent and house payments around here are easily over $1400/month for a starter home.

We have a list of places we want to travel to. Just yesterday we were talking about taking a month off next summer and doing a LONG drawn out trip across the country. I couldn't imagine doing that with a house, much less a kid...

I've decided all those people that sit in judgement are just green with envy :ph34r:

Arianna Frances

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We have a list of places we want to travel to. Just yesterday we were talking about taking a month off next summer and doing a LONG drawn out trip across the country. I couldn't imagine doing that with a house, much less a kid...

I've decided all those people that sit in judgement are just green with envy :ph34r:


I have two kids. They are pains in the ass some of the time (the time that they are awake). The are expensive. They are demanding. They have cut former vacations to Jamaica down to present trips to a beach a few hours away. They have turned "dining out" into a stop at Domino's Pizza. They suck up all of the disposable income ... and more, at times. They keep the house dirty. They sometimes don't obey. They were the main cause for getting a dog that helps them keep the house dirty (but she usually obeys).

But I'm not green with envy at all. I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world, now that I've got 'em, and I spent many more years without kids than I have with them.

I don't think that anyone without kids is selfish. Everyone's mileage varys. I wouldn't criticize anyone for any lifestyle choices, just because I do something different. I would, however, offer two comments for consideration. One is that lots of people, myself included, never really thought that we were going to outlive our teens ... maybe 20s. It's almost a shock that we did (especially given that many of our friends didn't). The other is that most people who have kids really change their priorities drastically, but they find that they do so willingly.

Being a dad's the best thing that I've ever done, in spite of the fact that I'm not all that good at it.

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The other is that most people who have kids really change their priorities drastically, but they find that they do so willingly.

Thats what a good friend of mine was telling me too. But she knew she wanted her son since the day she got married. I love kids - used to babysit lots when I was younger and know I'll be a good mom. I'm pretty sure I want kids, when I'm at a point in my life when I'm ready to make those priority changes. I just hope I have the opportunity to make that decision when we feel it is right.

Its funny how you look at past generations - my mother-in-law was 20 when she had my husband. My mother was 24 when he had me. I'm 26 now and don't want to end up 'tied to the baby carriage' for at least 2 years, and my husband says even longer. I guess when I look at a family I see the things that people who have judged my lifestyle do.

I see the white picket fence, the mini-van, the dog and stay-at-home mom. I know we can't financially afford to do those things at this point in our lives, and I hope we are able to have the fun we want and still have time to have that 'picture perfect' lifestyle.

I dunno, maybe its time for me to wake up and realize it doesn't have to be like that [:/]

Arianna Frances

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I am so responsible; I kept the thread on track.

Im going to have to play it a little loose for now. How the weekend goes is contingent on Mirage, getting a reserve repack, and when I can pick up my gear.

But it looks like the rig should be back to Don by thursday. Ausgezeichnet.

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