
stop bleeding?

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ok, around 6:30 tonight i ripped a 6 month old scar open on my ankle. I can see the plate or a screw or something silver.
anyway, i have been trying to get it to quit bleeding but it's just not stopping.....
ok, it's not like spurting out, but it just keeps bleeding. I really dont want to spend the 100 bucks on an er visit....

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Well... since the dz.com medical forum isn't running yet I would suggest a REAL Dr.'s advice or an er visit. (JOKE of COURSE!!!) :P

Bleeding that won't stop or $100.00.
I know which one I would choose.

Why are you asking us??? Go see a damn Dr. :S:S
Please. Or call the on call one for advice at least. Jeesh. You should know better!!! Take care!!!!
I am not saying this to be mean but because I care. B|

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ok, around 6:30 tonight i ripped a 6 month old scar open on my ankle. I can see the plate or a screw or something silver.
anyway, i have been trying to get it to quit bleeding but it's just not stopping.....
ok, it's not like spurting out, but it just keeps bleeding. I really dont want to spend the 100 bucks on an er visit....

Just do a couple of shots of tequila, whip out the sewing kit and fix it yourself. Only pussy's would go to the ER for something they could fix at home. :P

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I can see the plate or a screw or something silver.
anyway, i have been trying to get it to quit bleeding but it's just not stopping.....
ok, it's not like spurting out, but it just keeps bleeding. I really dont want to spend the 100 bucks on an er visit....


Dear dumbass, go to Dr. :o

Said w/ love and worry. B|[:/]
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Wrap it as tightly as possible with gauze. If it doesn't stop you may need to get it seen. Minor med if they are open in your area will be faster. If it stops, see the doc who put in the metal because exposed hardware will need to be seen about so it doesn't cause infection. Good luck!

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I'm sure you've heard the phrase "penny wise, pound foolish."

open wound + bacteria everywhere = infection. Which then equals even more money for meds to fight the infection.

Do the right thing, buddy.



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> I can see the plate or a screw or something silver.
>anyway, i have been trying to get it to quit bleeding but it's just not

It's probably a good idea to to the hospital.

The bleeding is actually a good thing. Your body cannot mount an effective immune response around metallic objects in your body; it can't tell self from non-self and that screws it up. In some cases, like implants with polymer components, the immune system may eventually decide that the implant is the infection and attack it. Needless to say this would be bad.

Anyway, the constant flow of blood might just be keeping bacteria out. If they do enter, and find a hospitable place in the implant where they are sheltered from your immune system, then you could end up with a case of MRSA (an antibiotic resistant strain of bacteria) that could lead to anything from a long, painful recovery to amputation.

But it's up to you.

Here's a thing from the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons about it if you're interested:

Infection complicating internal fixation of fractures is a serious complication that is difficult to treat. Whenever metallic devices are implanted in vivo, successful biointegration requires that host cells colonize the highly reactive implant surface. Bacteria such as staphylococci can also become adherent to metallic or polymeric implants and will compete with host cells for colonization of the implant surface. Once adherent, these bacteria form a biofilm and undergo phenotypic changes that make them resistant to the normal host immune response as well as to antibiotics. Furthermore, metallic implants themselves cause specific deficits in the function of the local immune system that may render the host response to infection inadequate. Any associated soft-tissue injury causes even greater impairment of local immune function. Despite the potentially detrimental impact of internal fixation, fracture stability is of paramount importance in achieving fracture union and in preventing infection. It has been demonstrated in animal models that contaminated fractures without internal fixation develop clinical infection more commonly than similar fractures treated with internal fixation at the time of colonization. Because of the potential for infection whenever internal fixation is utilized, appropriate prophylactic antibiotic coverage for staphylococci and Gram-negative organisms should be provided. Open wounds and severely damaged soft tissues require aggressive management so that a viable soft-tissue envelope is maintained around the implant. Host factors such as smoking and malnourishment should be corrected. Early diagnosis and aggressive treatment of implant-related infection with antibiotics, debridement, and maintenance of stable internal fixation are essential to successful treatment.

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then you could end up with a case of MRSA (an antibiotic resistant strain of bacteria) that could lead to anything from a long, painful recovery to amputation.

Of all of the post, you had better listen to Bill's. A MRSA infection can kill you. It cost my grandfather his leg then his life!
Time and pressure will always show you who a person really is!

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DIRECT Pressure and something cold on it, like Ice in a plastic bag. Go to the DR, and try to keep the woulnd as clean as possible. It may be painfull to clean it now, but it's less painfull than an infection. Go to the DR, and go to the DR. I don't know if anyone has mentioned it buit you may want to go to the Doctor.

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I suggest amputating above the elbow.
If that doesn't help, go to the hospital.:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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I suggest amputating above the elbow.
If that doesn't help, go to the hospital

did ya know if you get a cut on your head and can't stop the bleeding, you should aply a turniqet arond the neck!! with a material thatwilllet you get it nice and tight, like piano wire!!!!! i swear it's the truth,,,, er wait, maybe it was that you shouldn't, oh well i guess if i'm wrong i'll find out....:PB|

"i have no reader's digest version"

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100 bucks??? lol...heh. Seriously....hope you got seen. That big silver fomite's could be a life or limb threatening thing....

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Good. I know you probably regret the money
but when you said you could see metal it
could have been REALLY bad.
We just want you to be safe and healthy. :)
Please feel free to reply to my posts and pm's, but only if you're smart enough to understand what they really mean.

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Do you have duct tape, super glue and a pocket knife?

Ok McGyver now,

Git 'er done!;)

Hey, just do like they did in the old west. Pull a hair out of the horses tail, thread the needle and VOILA!
PS, try to pull the hair that is on the top of the tail, not underneath...

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If your insurance will cover a trip to urgent care rather than the ER, you could go there for your regular co-pay office cost. That's what I do unless I know I'm gonna need an x-ray or blood tests or something, because then they'll just send you to the ER anyway.

Whether you go to the ER or to urgent care, please get to a doctor.

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Dear dude, I know what you mean,two weeks ago I accidentally shot a 3" nail through my finger whilst framing. It missed the bone but Man it looked like a gross snack with a tooth pick stuck through it. But work must continue so I pulled it out , youch! and kept on going. I got to the med cabinet soon after and shot some alcohol into it with a syringe,(agony) put some neosporin on the exit and entry, and took some left over anti biotics.....risk factor, major. but I saved $300. Now, jumping out of a plane.... well thats just nuts!;)***is this too much information?

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