
happy birthday PAIGE!!! 4/28

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There is enough of me to go around don't worry

Can I be something aside from the dirty, shit expelling orphius of a cat?!?!?! Nah, the ass will do fine

You know........ in some parts of the world, being called the cats ass is like being called top shelf.

But... if you insist.

From now on..... you can be TOP SHELF PAIGE!!!!

Hope your birthday is ROCKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Paige, I think that you are a beautiful person and a nice friend. Even though we have not actually physically met in person, we share of love of Pablo Neruda's poetry. We get along and have always been supportive of each other. Also, we have both have a natural affinity for flying both in and out of the tunnel, but we both have been heavily associated to the tunnel by our friends, after they've seen us in there smiling and flying our little bums off. I do not have even half the amount of tunnel time that you have, but I love it just the same. Maybe at some point, we can finally fly together. Hopefully, you will coach me in freefly, sometime in the future. (Or, if you're ever up for 4-way RW in there, please ask me to fly with you!)


Oh, u didn't get the memo? No more jumpy for Paige :(

Hmm...how ironic. You and I are both not skydiving anytime soon, but probably due to much different reasons. It will be ok. You'll be back, my dear. ;)B|

Happy birthday, sweetie. Love you, Paige!


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So how old are you now? 12? TongueWink

Paige is much more fun than the average 12 year old. Happy birthday, tunnel-tot!

Tunnel-tot! I LOVE IT ;) I'll let the boys be dirty rodents :D

I do drive an Audi TT. Mine is the Limited Edition, only one ever made, Tunnel-Tot Audi :)
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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