
Just when you think the storm has passed....

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Something else is thrown your way.

I found out during lunch that my dad's cousin (whom I was raised living next door to my entire life until about 4 years ago...) has been diagnosed with cancer. It has taken over his lymph nodes and it is too late for any treatment. The doctor's have said that he has 1 month at max left with us....

*Deep breaths...deep breaths...*


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Ugh! What awful news! I'm so sorry Amanda. [:/]

On the brightest side possible, at least you have some time left with him, as opposed to an unexpected good-bye.

As before, if you need a hug, a sympathetic ear, or anything, call me.


you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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