
Ever dropped the mic at kareoke night??

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Hmmmm...... okay mic dropper..... fess up before I have to out you myself!!! You have till 10 AM tomorrow morning. If you haven't fessed up by then, I'm bumping this thread up and outing you like the big girl at the bar!!!

What kind of a drunk idiot would drop the mic while singing kareoke? :S I mean really, is that hard to hold a one pound microphone?

Ok fine.....it was me:D:D At least I did it ya wuss:D Do I owe beer since that was my first time singing kareoke?

Thanks for diming me out Liz. Good to know I can count on you>:(:D

I am digging your sig line btw. ;)

The Original Cabana Boy!

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I'm proud of you, Jason. Standing up and taking it like a man. :D;)

Yet another fun night out in DC. B|

And heck yeah you owe beer!!!! :D:P

I can't even begin to tell you how tired I am. I got 2 hours of sleep last night. That brings this weeks total to 9 hours of sleep.

I don't know about you but I can still taste the alcohol. I know I must smell like a liquor cabinet:S:D:D

It was worth it though, I had a freaking blast last night.

Edited: I'm still drunk and I can't type. Nothing like being drunk in uniform:D:D:D

The Original Cabana Boy!

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I can't even begin to tell you how hard I am.

Ummm.... TMI.:|

Fuck, I was hoping I could edit that before anyone saw it:D:D:D I was going to say "It's so hard for me to stay awake right now.":D:D

Wow, I really need to sober up....Jesus Christ. My monitor is so blurry right now.:D:D:D

Maybe I should stop posting for a while:S:D

The Original Cabana Boy!

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Adde sang a Garth Brooks song???? Oh God, please say it ain't so!!

Wow, even if it WAS drunk karoke, she just lost some points.

I'll have you know.... I did not know ANY words to ANY songs that ANY body was singing. I was strictly there to drink cocacola and take pictures. B|

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