
Damn. Just got really bad news.

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Just got home from work to hear something I never wanted to hear. My Dad turns 84 on the 20th of this month. My sister just informed me that he has been diagnosed with cancer. Took my breath away. Not sure how bad bad is just yet. They tried removing it, but apparently it's a lot worse than they thought and so he's going to have to start some big long shit now. F*ck me.

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Oh sweetie............. :(

I am so sorry to hear that. You have my number if you need anything at all.

Just please try to remember (like you told me) CUDDLE SNUGGLE FEST is coming up soon..Big hugs all around for you honey...Please give me a call if it even crosses your mind for a second...

Love you, and please..take care!!! [:/]

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I am so sorry to hear... not much else to say. Cancer is mean.
Be strong in front of him cuz he needs your support and love; cry and scream with your friends cuz you need their support and love.
Went through dealing with cancer with my dad, (God rest his soul). It sucks.
Take care of yourself and remember to breathe...
Life can be just that simple.....
Hugs (the long firm strong ones)


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What horrible news to get, my heart goes out to you!:(

Prayers for you and your family are heading your way!


Raddest ho this side of Jersey #1 - rest in peace brother
Beth lost her cherry and I missed it
.... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it.

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You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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thanks, guys. it helps to hear so many kind and supportive words right now. i know that nobody gets to choose when/where/how to deal with sick parents, but i just wasn't really ready to hear this. he's 84, but i guess i just never thought anything would happen. just trying to breathe right now.

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I've been there and had to go through all kinds of shit with cancer. Drop me a PM if you need to vent or ask questions.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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[:/] I'm sorry to hear. I had to watch my dad deal with cancer. Unfortunately, they had gotten his too late.

PM me if you need someone to listen.
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Seems you have had more than your share of tough things to deal with lately. Hang in there and know we love you. Call me or PM me if you need to talk as I've been there.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Sorry to hear that. It's amazing how many people have been in my shoes. Not a very comfortable place to be at the moment.

The good thing is, and some of you have met my family and know this, my family is tight. Really tight. I'm the youngest of many. We're also a pretty strong family. I know that we will pull each other through whatever lays ahead of us.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I've been talking to the man upstairs a lot tonight. What will be will be.

If I live to 84 with as much amazing life experience as that man, I will have lived a very fullfilling, very happy life. God bless him.

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Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I've been talking to the man upstairs a lot tonight. What will be will be.

If I live to 84 with as much amazing life experience as that man, I will have lived a very fullfilling, very happy life. God bless him.

Don't get too discouraged... depending on the cancer, the progression, his current health... he might still make it to 94 or beyond.
Even if it's out of your hands.... don't let it be out of your hope. Sometimes it's all you have left. Keep it with your heart.


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