
Skydive Atlanta Photos: 4/9-4/10

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I finally had a chance to go through my video and grab some frames from last weekend at Skydive Atlanta. I'm still buzzing from that trip. Can't wait to get to the dz on Saturday and start working on some shizat!

Thanks Atlanta crew!!!

Pictures Here

:D I love the one of Shimell nearly getting kicked in the head on exit! :P

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You need to teach me some shizat!:D:D I suck at freeflying at I want to be good....help me please!:D

As soon as I learn.... :D!!

We'll be jumpin together Saturday punk! B|

Punk?? Dim deres fightin words little lady. Oh btw, got my new freefly suit and pants from kurepee yesterday! They fuckin rock!!!! I may suck but at least I will look good:D:D

The Original Cabana Boy!

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You need to teach me some shizat! I suck at freeflying at I want to be good....help me please!

Liz came to our last giveback weekend. We have 2 more scheduled for this year. If you're interested PM me your email addy and I'll add you to the distribution list (this goes for anyone).

As a sidenote we found that the coaches ended up rotating through the groups more instead of being allocated to a particular tier for the day. Basically we adjust the program for the number of participants and the skill levels we need to cater for.

Experienced jumpers, Jon Pinyon was organizing bigger stuff and Atnomati (sp?) all weekend and will be at future camps as well so there's plenty to go around for everyone ;)


The giveback weekend schedule for this year is currently set to have 3 events on the following dates:

April 9/10 - Completed
July 9/10
September 17/18

Here's the format the weekends are going to follow:
* The coach pays their own slot.
* Each jumper pays their own slot.
* The cost of the coaches pack job is divided amongst all the people in the group the coach is working with. For example, 1 on 1 coaching means the jumper pays 5, but a 5 way with the coach means each jumper pays 1 dollar. Basically we’re trying to keep any additional cost to jumpers down. The pack jobs are necessary so the coach has enough time to debrief the group and go up on a load with another group.
* Groups are going to be divided into 3 tiers. Each tier will have different objectives and skill requirements. Tier 1 will be one on one coaching. Tier 2 will be smaller (2-4 way) freefly dives (normally all in the same orientation). Tier 3 will be multi orientation, multi jumper dives.
* Each tier will have the same coach for the entire day. The next day the coaches will all rotate to a different tier.
* Whenever possible the coach will NOT be a part of the dive. The coaches objective on the dive is get debriefable video whenever possible.
* Event begins at 9am on Saturday and Sunday.
* Everybody is welcome, regardless of skill level.
* Bring your jumping shoes cause even if you're not on rotation with a coach for a load or two, we don't want ya sitting around - get up there and PRACTICE

If you'd like to receive emails about the events (or updates) please PM me with your email address so I can add you to our distribution list.

Please let us know if you plan on attending a camp so we can get a general idea of how many people to expect and plan for.

If you have any questions or feedback please let me know.

Performance Designs Factory Team

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Oooooh.... that ROCKS!! I didn't know there were more. Count me in!! Plus, the September one will be my birthday weekend! B| Party in Atlanta!!!!! B|

you should check out the party in atlanta in october! hehehehe

Well... I'll be at that one no matter what. That's been in my schedule since Summerfest last year! B|

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hope to make it to the july one. i NEED coaching SO bad. i suck! :S plus i miss you guys! skydive atlanta is so freakin awesome too! there is no way i can wait until halloween to play there again. :)

There's a Holloween party there? I am so down for that! ;):)

You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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OMG, and it is THE SHIT! Of every boogie I've gone to, it remains my favorite. Great jumps AND a great party! B|

See you there! :$:P:)

You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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Oh hell yeah, I'm in! Liz, how far away is Atlanta from us?

Less than a 2 hour flight. Long drive, but f*ck driving. We'll all fly and rent a car and head down to Thomaston. Trust me........... IT'S WORTH IT!!! B|

You should come out for Ian's other skillz camps too. :)

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Yayy!! I'm so glad you had fun, Liz. I know both teams (N-TAC and Censored) had a great time jumping all weekend. And being able to get 14 loads in in 4 hours saturday afternoon certainly helped the vibe saturday night, not to shamelessly promote the plane or anything;)

And yes, EVERYONE come down next time, it's so much fun! Especially the all girl load! (Okay, 13 girls and Lock in a bikini) I had a lovely time, it was the perfect send-off right before finals. :)
LIZ!! You'd better be coming down for the anniversary boogie in June! That goes for everyone, too.
"Ive seen you hump air, hump the floor of the plane, and hump legs. You now have a new nickname: "Black Humper of Death"--yardhippie

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Oh hell yeah, I'm in! Liz, how far away is Atlanta from us?

Less than a 2 hour flight. Long drive, but f*ck driving. We'll all fly and rent a car and head down to Thomaston. Trust me........... IT'S WORTH IT!!! B|

You should come out for Ian's other skillz camps too. :)

I just might have to do that. Fuck, could I have any more trips planned for this summer. Jesus, I swear I'm going to go broke.:D

The Original Cabana Boy!

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