
Is this insane??

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I've been unemployed for a couple weeks and scavenging for work. I have two basic options. One is a little bit less dependable and less money, but allows me infinitely more time at the DZ (only 1 mile from the DZ, plus only working every other saturday). The other is much closer to home (20 minutes vs. 1 hour), but requires a bit more sat/sun work and less control over my own schedule.

So why is it that I am willing to drive farther and make less just to have more time to be at the DZ??? Of course to offset this difference, I started as a packer last weekend:P


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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Um...this is a no-brainer. Skydiving requires money.

Take the first job, you'll be a skybum who hangs around the DZ a lot with few jumps, because you're piss poor.

The second one gets you more $ so you can maximize jumping time while you're at the DZ. Plus, you'll have more money for things like food and shelter.

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money for things like food and shelter.


Time on the DZ = jumps. I've never been to a DZ I didn't jump at, even when I had no money. Magic stuff happens on DZ's.

Also, people who are not at the DZ... don't jump.

It's the year of the Pig.

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Well, considering the years of education required for your profession, I'd say YES that's pretty insane. I'd take the more reliable closer to home job as long as it fits well with your career path. Think of it and the hours you will be working as short term while you get better established. If you are working weekends, that means you'll get the ocassional weekDAY off. Jumping during the week is OK and chances are you'll find other people to play with.

Of course, its entirely up to you.

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Some times our jumping has to be put on hold. The sky will always be there.

Think this through, because what you do now, will effect you later.

Good luck.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Some times our jumping has to be put on hold. The sky will always be there.

Think this through, because what you do now, will effect you later.

Good luck.

Man I'm glad you said that.....makes me feel much better about my life choices over the past few years....lol.

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IThe other is much closer to home (20 minutes vs. 1 hour), but requires a bit more sat/sun work and less control over my own schedule.

I'd pick closer to home. A longer commute isn't worth the sort of money companies are willing to pay to offset it. You might have other priorities.

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Well, that sucks. Obviously its your decision and 7 day weeks aren't good for your family either. I'd probably pick the one that was best for my career in the long run, especially with all the time, money, blood sweat and tears you've already invested in it.

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I would still be home earlier even taking the longer commute into consideration. Plus my old commute was 2 hours. Anything is better than that!;)

I did take the lower paying job today. It doesn't pay much lower, but I have a lot more flexibility work wise. I'll be a little snug financially through the end of June, but then making 50% more than I have been in the last year. I'll actually have time with my husband, I'll be working for myself (vs. employed in the other option). It'll be 2 part time jobs, one with a private practice that has some potential to become more than a part time option.

Yes, skydiving was a part of the decision, but not just skydiving directly. It isn't just the jumping out of the plane, it is the time with my husband. It is being able to take a weekend and do whatever the hell we want to with it. The only thing I ever do for myself is jumping, the rest of the time is working or volunteering or renovating my house.

Even unemployed and scavenging for fill-in work, all my bills have been paid.

Yup, I learned how to pack in general a few months ago, and still think my brand new ZP canopy is a bitch to get in the bag. It is a 170 canopy smashed in a bag that previously held a 150. (Yes, the master rigger approved of this, he was the one I purchased everything from). Even the established packers hate my canopy, it isn't just me. Every packer has to start somewhere don't they? My husband and I both just started packing over the weekend, it paid for a majority of our jumping costs and after a couple months of packing my pita canopy, student canopies are extremely easy for me.

I guess the very fact that I'm defending this decision so adamantly means that I made the right one. I'm not so hot at decision making:$. If I had taken the other position, there's no way I'd be this emphatic about defending that choice.


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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Both options included a private practice (hoping for long term potential here), plus a corporate office. The question was which corporate to go for.

#1: Employed by corporation, my schedule is at their mercy. Flexible until one doc goes on maternity in a couple months, after that I'd be killed work wise. No more ability to fill in for friends as they need it, if I needed to cut back to have more time in private practice, I'd lose the job. I would have to be salesgirl as well as doc (required to push certain testing onto patients at a certain percent level). I don't take well to being told how to practice. My patients, not a corporation, comes first.

#2: Employed by myself, subcontracting with a corporation. Good tax breaks. Longer commute, but flexible weekends, 1 mile from DZ, so those every other Sats that I'm working, I can still pack for the afternoon. Slightly less certainty with this since I don't know what will happen when doc comes back from maternity. At the other place it would be easy to pick up an extra day or two a week, not so easy this way, but doable. Pay somewhat less, but I can always chose to work more to make up for it if unexpected financial disasters occur. Plus some good tax breaks for self employment that more than offset self employment tax.

I busted my ass all my life and gave up a lot. I have never regretted days off, or not working for a weekend, but I have regretted giving up life experiences to work and losing out on so many other things.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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Well OK then! Sounds like you made the right choice! :)
I think your first post made it sound like skydiving was your main influence in your decision, and that's why some of us questioned it. Its pretty obvious you've thought all of this through! Good luck!

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