
I'm too young to order a coke. :(

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I was talking to Phree (don't burn down the house dude!) and Kris (keep the sharp pointy objects away from Phree!) tonight and told this story, and Kris said it's postable so here goes:

No shit, there I was, I got carded while ordering a coke.

I've been going to this local restaurant/bar in downtown Albuquerque for a couple of weeks now. On Tuesdays they have $0.15 chicken wings, so some jumpers at my dz will get together and eat, drink, and talk shop. I've gone a couple times and have always had a coke and some food. No problem, right? Wrong.

This week I went and when I got there there was only one other jumper there, so he grabbed his drink and we went outside on the patio to wait for others to show up. A lady comes out to get my order, and I order my usual coke.

"Can I see your id please?"

Uh, sure. So I give her my id and she stares at it, looks at me, then stares at it again. New Mexico gives licenses that are printed sideways to underagers, and in addition to that it clearly says in bold red letters "Under 21 until ...".

She stares at me and at it one more time then asks, "So you're underage?" Yes, I am. "Oh, well, you can't be here."

Okay. No one ever carded me before, much less told me I couldn't be here. To which she responded, "Well, this upstairs portion is a bar so you can't be here. We've been getting a lot of undercover cops lately."


Damn, that means I could've been ordering drinks the past couple of times I've gone! But nooooo, I have to get carded when ordering a coke! :D

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Well Tiff. If its any consolation, I often still get carded when I am out with friends getting drinks. . .and geez, I am 44. Of course I think they do it just to be nice. . .LOL
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Think about this from society’s viewpoint. In your situation beer could act as a gateway drug, since you’ve already admitted to hanging around with older beer-swilling skydivers at a public house. Consider you were to hear them tell a skydiving joke – one of those rare good ones, witness Billy Vance - then you burst into laughter and by counter-reflex you inhale Coke up your nose. This chain of events, which on it face began rather harmlessly with a congregation of skydivers slurping beers and fueling their future farts with chicken parts, has now transited a juncture where we have a minor snorting Coke in public. Put down the wings, son, and go mow the lawn for mama. :|

Blutarsky 2008. No Prisoners!

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Some bars have a rule that you can't be in there if you aren't of drinking age. But this is strange, since you said you had been there before. Is there a sign posting that you have to be of the legal drinking age in order to be in that area?
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Wingi - first Kristi and Eric, now you! I'll get to Ohio, I promise! You better buy me a coke! I'm gonna hold you to that!

I don't think I can pull off the goatee look, Trav. :(:D

44 or not, you rock Darcy!

Hmmmm. skycoke just doesn't have the same ring to it, but you're right, that is probably what screwed me ltdiver. :S

Sen.Blutarsky - ... :D Weirdo. ;)

Mar - no sign, no bouncer type checking id's. Been there a couple of times before.

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first Kristi and Eric, now you

you didn't know that in all reality, i am the villian, and they are my evil henchmen? we are workingon cool nicknames right now.... i'm thinking phree and daizey could be "the verticaly incompatable duo", and i could be "wingnut the evil", but those are just working titles now, whenthey are finalized i'll let you know...

"i have no reader's digest version"

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"the verticaly incompatable duo"

But they're so cute together, vertically incompatible or not!

Kristi just realized that I'm 5'6", and she said she's gonna feel short next to me even! That's okay though, I'll feel short next to Eric, so it'll all work out.

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Kristi just realized that I'm 5'6", and she said she's gonna feel short next to me even!

i think the olny people she doesn't feel short next to are 5 year olds!! come one, she can stand upright in an otter!!!!..... it's a good thing she isn't going to be teaching high school.... the student would just pickher up andput her in a trash can!!

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Kristi just realized that I'm 5'6", and she said she's gonna feel short next to me even!

i think the olny people she doesn't feel short next to are 5 year olds!! come one, she can stand upright in an otter!!!!..... it's a good thing she isn't going to be teaching high school.... the student would just pickher up andput her in a trash can!!

haha I told her the exact same thing regarding teaching high school age!

But we love you Kristi! B|

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The night before?

try the night before the night before... think it was thursday night...... andit was good...... i went out to my car to get on the wifi and wheni finally connected like 20 minutes later you gys were all gone.......... so i drunk dialed girlfalldown and then we left a voicemail on kristi's phone....3 way calling is cool...lol....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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The night before?

try the night before the night before... think it was thursday night...... andit was good...... i went out to my car to get on the wifi and wheni finally connected like 20 minutes later you gys were all gone.......... so i drunk dialed girlfalldown and then we left a voicemail on kristi's phone....3 way calling is cool...lol....

That wasn't the only 3 way we did that night! :o:$:P


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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