
If your married post it.

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So...what's the "secret"?

Well, I'm not so sure it's a secret but I'll tell you what we've been doing (so far so good).

Never lie about anything (and I mean anything), always tell each other everything. I guess in a word, communication.

I dunno, we're just winging it anyway - what the hell do we know :D:D
Performance Designs Factory Team

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No offence to your hubby, but Brains and I would like to welcome him to the "I lucked out and hooked up way above my station" club.

But god it's a great club to be in, isn't it :)
Oh and for those that are curious, Katie and I are 6 years this June.
Performance Designs Factory Team

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So what have you guys done to earn the " hot " title?

these guys just have a great energy between them. in the little time i spent with them, i could see it. i can see it in pics and posts too. it's very cool. :)
oh - and just check out their pics - these two are always looking good. B|

ian - no worries about css. we will get down to ATL in the next 2 months. can't wait to jump your wife, um jump WITH your wife again. :D

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WOO HOO! Er, um, yeah, we would have a great "girly day." :$

If it makes you feel any better about CSS, we are still coughing and feeling like crap and keeping each other awake at night tossing and turning. (At leats no one can say I don't share...) I HATE BEING SICK!

Can't wait to see you guys soon!

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If it makes you feel any better about CSS, we are still coughing and feeling like crap and keeping each other awake at night tossing and turning.

That doesn't make me feel better. :( Don't want to hear that it's 'tossing and turning because you're sick' that is keeping you up. :P

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Just mean Kim must have better eyesight then the others girls...

Actually i think i might be in trouble, she is planning on having corrective eye surgery, she might get rid of me once she can see correctly.:o:D

Not on your life would I ever get rid of you! :)
I know this is a married thread but I love Brains more than the world and here is a great picture!
"Well behaved women rarely make history"

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