
Body for Life

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It does not REQUIRE a bunch of EAS products, but the whole book contains snippets of marketing info about them, and they are promoted a good bit.

Many EAS products make it much easier to stay on the diet. It is hard to balance the number of grams of carbs you eat with the number of grams of protien without using the EAS low carb shakes some.



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I'm not sure how you did the program but I did NOT have to count anything for the first few months. There was a food list in the book that I copied and hung on my frig. Each meal I would pick something from each column and BAM....instant meal. When you start to get lean THEN you may need to fine tune the program, which I did, 1.5 years into it. EAS of course wants you to buy there products but it's not a must. But personally, I love the shakes. Quick, easy, tasty and you don't have to think so much about planning a meal.

Exercise is the other KEY to making the "program" work. You need all the pieces to the puzzle to see the whole picture. No if's, an's or but's. What that meant for me was getting up at 4:30 AM and hitting the gym before work since I am not a night person.....THAT is where the true dedication came in but when 2 months into it, people at the gym start commenting on "how ya look", it is all the motivation you need.

OK...enough babble. I just really believe in the concept of what Bill has to say...or I finally wised up and just DID IT. Nothing like looking in the mirror and liking what you see......FINALLY!

If I was brave enough I might even be willing to share some pictures. I got one from when I started and then one a year later....HOLY COW...but good for me!

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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There are some recipes on the body for life website


as much as I don't want to buy into the marketing try the candy/protien bars they put out they're not too bad.

I also like to stir fry up chicken and vegetables with some brown rice its a good change of pace.
Also try ground turckey and cook it up like ground beef you can add taco seasoning and have tacos.

and as nasty as it sounds yogurt on cottage cheese (all non fat of course ) is pretty good and fast

But I understand I eat turkey on whole wheat about 3 times a day it gets boring.

B.L. (the brain)

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