
A Texas primer...for those coming to visit

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I hopefully will be out her way at the end of August/1st of september. I will bring her some authentic TX goodies.:D

Hmm, because of the :D I am wondering just exactly what kind of goodies you are referring to???

Also, please feel free to kidnap me while you are here and take me back to Austin. ;) I miss Barton Creek, and Happy Tuesday at the Continental Club, and the Green Mesquite... and a lot of other things...

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Texas is easy if you remember this:

"Y'all" is singular and "All y'all" is plural!


Singular possessive is "y'all's" and plural plural possessive is "all y'all's". ;)

Y'all's may very well be the only DOUBLE apostrophed word in the English language. :S

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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Heh, only in Texas... can we be so entertained with beer and unloaded guns.

Glad you didn't mention that one loaded one. Jenn still owes Ramon a new HDTV for that. :S:o:D

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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***A carbonated soft drink isn't a soda, cola, or pop.... It's a Coke regardless of brand or flavor***

I grew up in Texas and used to all those things that makes us Texan. I moved to Michigan for a few years and got married and had kids. After my oldest was about 3 yrs old we visited Texas and my family. They asked my daughter if she wanted coke and she always said no everytime. Finally someone from Chicago caught on and asked her if she wanted pop. She said yes and pointed to the Sprite. I hadn't done my job and raised her right, but have since moved everyone back to Texas and trying to fix that.:D

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A carbonated soft drink isn't a soda, cola, or pop.... It's a Coke regardless of brand or flavor.

Okay, the rest are pretty funny, but this one still sticks in my craw. Wasn't this a Speaker's Corner debate before I got permanently banned? :S

:D & >:(

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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It's a Texas thing, Jeff....you wouldn't understand... :P;)

Well, to be fair to me, there's a lot of "Texas things" that I can totally get with.

This just isn't one of them.

Even more fair, let's recognize that it's not an exclusively Texas thing; don't they do that in other parts of the country?

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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One other tidbit...

Avoid Texas BASE jumpers at all costs. We eat our young...

No, I plan to mingle amongst them. To become one with the Texas BASE jumpers. I'll blend into the scenerey and won't be noticed, but I'll be there.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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It's a Texas thing, Jeff....you wouldn't understand... :P;)

Well, to be fair to me, there's a lot of "Texas things" that I can totally get with.

This just isn't one of them.

Even more fair, let's recognize that it's not an exclusively Texas thing; don't they do that in other parts of the country?


True, it's not an exclusively Texas thing... I was just funnin' with ya!

I have seen visitors from up North completely break the brain of a convenience store clerk, asking for a "pop".... :D
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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You really don't like me do you

See, I do like you, so I'm trying to protect you from the TX BASE crowd...they are scary you know. If you weren't an object or a beer, they wouldn't notice you.:D
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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OH.. I get it now, thanks for watching my back. I'm particularily fond of one of the BASE crew, so there are ulterior motives but I'll keep the antlers in mind now that I understand the purpose.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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OH.. I get it now, thanks for watching my back. I'm particularily fond of one of the BASE crew, so there are ulterior motives but I'll keep the antlers in mind now that I understand the purpose.

the antlers thing would probably work for all but Zennie. I am pretty sure he is a hunter too.:D:D You would be better off just hiding in Brit's shadow.:P

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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