
where any of you band geeks in high school?

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orchestra clarinetist here. principal in all county and all state orchestras for 2 years, all eastern nominee, accepted to manhatten school of music post high school. played quads in marching band drum line, alto sax in jazz. i'll just stick to my acoustic fender now, thanks.

sold the clarinet to pay for my new rig last summer, got 3/4 of the rig cost for it! nice!


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Yup all 4 years in band. Played French Horn and trumpet in the jazz band. All-State Band and Orchestra for two years. Spent one horrific summer (well a couple weeks) at band camp that was totally forced on me....I still have nightmares... 5 years in a drum and bugle corps. Even won some stupid award when I graduated.....So I have a plaque that is still hanging in the school to prove I was a band geek....lol.

But I was a Pom Pom girl, does that counteract any of the geekiness???? :S


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I played Tuba, Trombone and Baritone from 5th grade until 10th grade. I dropped out of band my Junior year because I didn't like the new teach and nobody that was in the class appeared to actually WANT to be there, and be good. I placed first and second in the state for solos on Tuba B|

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I was a junior high band geek. Clarinet from 4th grade through sophomore year of high school. 1st chair, 1st section both 7th and 8th grade; 2nd chair, 1st section 9th and 10th. Repeated appearances in county honor band. Private piano lessons all four years of high school.

I wish I'd kept up with the piano.

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I played all my instruments before High School started: clarinet, piano and bassoon. The neatest part is that my kids have been playing piano on my old piano for 5 years now and my son is now in Symphonic Band in Middle School playing my old clarinet. My daughter opted for the flute over the bassoon....she's definitely not as much as a geek that I was. :P
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Hell no!!!!!! Not me....I played football when I was young but later couldn't stand to be around "Authority Figures" like coaches. So....I drank beer and shot lots of deer. Built a nice Camaro and went to LOTS of parties. I sure had a lot of fun. :D

Hey us band geeks did those things to...LOL :D. Well maybe not the Camaro or shooting deer but definately the parties, beer and shots. :S

Dang, I hope we're not corrupting a minor here, didn't he say he was still in school???? :S


Disclaimer: High school students and anyone under the age of 21 should never under any cicumstances consume alcohol.
There's my public service announcement for the day :S

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Dang, I hope we're not corrupting a minor here, didn't he say he was still in school????

Yep...I was a professional hoodlum back then. Of course the rumors are FAR worse than reality. I remember a few years ago when my Mom told me that there was a story about me selling guns in the parking lot of the school. OK......so I usually HAD guns in the parking lot of the school....but can't ever remember selling any. :D

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Taught guitar 'geeks' in 3 schools for many years. Married a trumpet player, band geek from 5th grade on, even went so far as to make the Air Force band. GREAT LIPS! He also plays guitar, flute, bass, and played in Vegas for a while. I have always hung out with band geeks!

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Cornet, E-Flat Trumpet, Trombone, Baritone among others. ;) Our band was fairly popular in our school...
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I defined band geek. I was president of my highschool band and band librarian. Senior year I was also the drum major. I played in Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, and Jazz Band. Got the great pleasure of playing at the Lincoln Center - awesome experience.

Played Bb clarinet, Eb clarinet, Bb Bass Clarinet, Eb Alto Saxophone, Eb Baritone Saxophone, and piano.

I went to All States for bass clarinet and played with the youth symphony at New England conservatory.

Eventually attended University of North Texas majoring in clarinet, minor in piano. Dropped out after my folks screwed me over....

Can't sell my clarinet though - its too much a part of me...

I miss it so much :(

Arianna Frances

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Yep! I played flute and piccolo up until my senior yr.I wasn't in band my sr. year b/c the band director was a dick. Played alto sax in Jazz Band briefly for a semester or two.Made it to district,regionals and state in our flute chior (sextet ensamble).Featured soloist in the marching band my sophomore year.Alternated between 1st and 2nd chair every couple of semesters...section leader and all that good stuff.I did it all..was on the Band Council, was uniform/equipment manager and band librarian all 3 yrs that I was in band.

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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I wish I'd kept up with the piano.

I hear ya. I've got 4.5 years of formal training and a little more screwing around, and I constantly wish I continued with the training. It's too late to start learning it for real at 20 though[:/]

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