
Ooo...what body parts on your SO drive you WILD?

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-but I just LOVE my man's arms!! God he has nice biceps. They're so tight and strong. I love squeezing his arms when he flexes...makes me go all weak an' sh*t. :P

What about you honey? What body part do you drool over? B|
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I'm with you Acme, there's nothing like a man's arms. That pocket where the shoulder and chest meet is the best pillow in the world. Nothing comes close.

I'm also a sucker for a tight butt. I love guys that run alot b/c most of the time they have toned legs and a firm tush.

Damn, typing this makes me want a man now. :D

Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity!

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I don't have a SO, but I love flat little tummies, and sometimes, just little tummies......mmmmmm tummies are goooooood. B|

Oh, and for some stupid reason.....I'm all about the back, all of it. I dunno why but I find it incredibly sexy, especially if she has smooth skin. B|:$

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Sounds unorthodox, but my wife's mind is what turned me on in the first place, and keeps my fires burning!

That's just gross! >:( I don't want to envision someone licking someone else's grey matter! EWWWWW!!! >:(
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I wish more men thought the way you do. That's awesome. I want someone to say that about me someday.

Actually..........My girlfriend's body is WAY hot.......but......it really is HER that turns me on. Everything about her....the way she talks....the way she looks at me....the way she calls me incessantly. :D The funny thing is.......as far as looks go.......she is SO not my type. Neither blonde hair OR big boobs! However, the rest of her is SO perfect that she makes me hot just by a touch or a kiss on the cheek or even just the way she holds my hand. It's crazy.......:$

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Actually..........My girlfriend's body is WAY hot.......but......it really is HER that turns me on. Everything about her....the way she talks....the way she looks at me....the way she calls me incessantly. The funny thing is.......as far as looks go.......she is SO not my type. Neither blonde hair OR big boobs! However, the rest of her is SO perfect that she makes me hot just by a touch or a kiss on the cheek or even just the way she holds my hand. It's crazy.......

What have you done with Clay. That is not the Clay we all know talking. He's all about T&A not the mind and hand holding. Bring back the perv we all like.

CSA #699 Muff #3804

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The batteries.


Whoa...I think we have the same boyfriend. :o <--I'm cheating on my hubby with him, so don't tell anybody, k?? :D Bob is such a slut. :)

*buys stock in Duracell and Rayovac* :P;)
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
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