
Things you like to hear on your dz's PA

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"Billy Vance, please come to manifest!... Billy Vance, please come to manifest!!... (Slapping head) Awww fuck... somebody go get him please!"

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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"Everyone listen up, the refrigerators are in bad shape and they need immediate attention. Everyone that's here, give $20 to the hot blonde chick. That means you too slacker! If I catch anyone drinking that didn't give money, I will donkey stomp you." Tres Tres :D:D:D:D

The Original Cabana Boy!

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"Everyone listen up, the refrigerators are in bad shape and they need immediate attention. Everyone that's here, give $20 to the hot blonde chick. That means you too slacker! If I catch anyone drinking that didn't give money, I will donkey stomp you." Tres Tres :D:D:D:D

Ahh, Tres Tres, without him, we might never have beer!
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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"Billy Vance, please come to manifest!... Billy Vance, please come to manifest!!... (Slapping head) Awww fuck... somebody go get him please!"




Now THAT'S funny right there...I don't care who ya are!!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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"Everyone listen up, the refrigerators are in bad shape and they need immediate attention. Everyone that's here, give $20 to the hot blonde chick. That means you too slacker! If I catch anyone drinking that didn't give money, I will donkey stomp you." Tres Tres :D:D:D:D

Ahh, Tres Tres, without him, we might never have beer!

You couldn't pay for a better beer officer. Good ol tres tres, what would Orange do without him?:D

The Original Cabana Boy!

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oh ya and this one "brains (name replaced to protect the innocent) Please put your shirt back on!":D

>:(Hey, i was cleaning the pool! Plus, like i said, it was punishment for all you that were jumping while i couldn't.:P:D

"May i have your attention please. . . thank you."

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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"The beer light is on."

No no...not at our DZ. It is "Hthe beheer hlight is now hon." (<--Vladimir speaking :ph34r:)

I also liked, "If hanybody here ees not happy, I weel make you happy. I weel pack your chute for you, and you will be thankful that hyou are steel alife."

:D:D:D You go, Vlad...B|
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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"The first 20 people to get in here and manifest get a free hop and pop out of the otter!"

Hehe, heard late on a sunday afternoon

"All you people about to leave, free jumps for the rest of the day, thats right, free skydiving...
You still have to pay for the plane ride though"
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I also liked, "If hanybody here ees not happy, I weel make you happy. I weel pack your chute for you, and you will be thankful that hyou are steel alife."

Hey, I inspired that remark. :S Yes, Vlad-radio is the best!
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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"Billy Vance, please come to manifest!... Billy Vance, please come to manifest!!... (Slapping head) Awww fuck... somebody go get him please!"


billy i think i remember hearing that at the mardi gras boogie.:D:D
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
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"Billy Vance, please come to manifest!... Billy Vance, please come to manifest!!... (Slapping head) Awww fuck... somebody go get him please!"


billy i think i remember hearing that at the mardi gras boogie.:D:D

Might have happened... I don't quite remember exactly, but I know it's happened a couple of times elsewhere. :D

True story: I had about 50 jumps or so, and was at West Tennessee Skydiving for one of their $99 boogies. I had a piece of shit FXC-12000 AAD. It fired my Raven II reserve out right after I'd gotten my Falcon 235 open about 2500 feet. I had two huge canopies open side by side, and it seemed to take forever to get down on the ground. Little did I know, but there was Fast Eddie Grantland on the ground, screaming into the PA system "BILLY, CUT IT AWAY! BILLY, CUT IT AWAY!!" Well, Steve (namdrib) ran over to him and said "He can't hear you! He's deaf!" Eddie said "SHIT" and started waving his arms frantically at me and making cutaway motions... :ph34r: Like hell I'm going to be looking right at him! :S I was looking everywhere trying to figure out what the fuck I was supposed to do, then figuring out where I wanted to land without making any sudden toggle inputs... well, I landed on the freaking grass runway, forcing Mike Mullins to do a go-around... hehehehe :ph34r:
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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PA: Hey Red, you want on a load?
PA: Red?
PA: Red!!
Jumper next to me: Hey Tiff - *points to Manifest*
Me: Oh! That's me!

I got nicknamed Red but not everyone uses it so I'm not used to responding! :$ Instead Manifest will yell at me over the PA until I realize "that's me!" or another jumper points out that "that's me"! :D

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...I landed on the freaking grass runway, forcing Mike Mullins to do a go-around... hehehehe :ph34r:

Did Mullins get out and yell at you like a whiny bitch for making him go around? I've heard he's very high strung and temperamental like that...

yea but billy would not of heard a word of it!!!:D
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
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