
Things you like to hear on your dz's PA

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Heard at the WFFC 2004

"please, please can everyone be careful on the golf carts... we've already had one serious incident last night..."

ha ha ha :D
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There are a few favourites at my DZ, although some of them are getting a little old, including: "If someone's lost a roll of £10 notes wrapped up in a rubber band, we've got good news for you. We've found the rubber band."

Also, some memorable one-offs from over the years:

To a friend who'd broken his neck and was walking around in a metal halo - "Jon, DZ control have asked if you can stand inside the packing shed. Apparently you're interfering with the student radios."

And, to a (single) instructor who was chatting up a female student - "Andy, your wife's on the phone. She says the contractions are coming every five minutes now."

People have the most fun on the PA when the weather's bad and we're bored.


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@ my old club we would all sleep in tents behind the clubhouse on weekends, and they would wake us up with a song by Queen, It's a beautifull day, the sun is shining...
That would be the 45 minutes call for the first load, those were the days!!!

(sadly some private-pilot-jackasses harassed us upto a point where our club couldn't exist there anymore, and now they are wondering why no-one comes in for a cup of coffee in the weekend. Would the by now have realised that it was all friends and family of tandempassengers and students that payed their bills???)
"Don't make me come down there" - God.

My site:http://www.skystudio.nl/video.html
Some of my vids: http://www.youtube.com/user/TomSkyStudio

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