
Liz & I are starting a commune

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WOWA WOWA girls....You girls are making this sound like a spa resort or something LOL

Liz and I have a plan LOL @ I just stated that I have a plan in "the voice" BWAAAHHAHAHAHA

We are roughin it women!!! We are living on mother nature!!!! Are you ready for that?! Do YOUUUUUU think you have what IT takes?!?!!?! WELL, DO YOU !?!?!?!

bwahahahaha!!! :D:D:D:D

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We can rough it in paradise! I'll sleep on the beach, surrounded by conch shells and fish in the ocean for dinner. No reason we need to eat bugs and sleep in a cow pasture. :D


You do have a very good point there.

I shal name you "She with wisdom"

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We can rough it in paradise! I'll sleep on the beach, surrounded by conch shells and fish in the ocean for dinner. No reason we need to eat bugs and sleep in a cow pasture. :D

And Chris can bring me drinks. LIfe is going to be good. I just checked my 403B and the rest of my retirement funds....I won't last for the rest of my life if I live to be old but it will be a fun few years.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Ooooh, we get tribal names? :D Cool!

Now, I seem to have forgotten the point of this thread. Was this for real (since you were talking about GA) or just a fun fantasy thread?

Because if it's for real, I think our best bet is to be gypsies. We can travel around the country and do odd jobs to support our habit(s). :D

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I can work in the yard with no shirt on and get a little dirty and sweaty, and you can watch.:P And anytime you need a drink, I will run and bring it to you.:)

I have died and gone to heaven.B|

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Damn, girlie! I go away for lunch, and our thread gets HOT... just like you!! B|

Sounds like it's time to start the list:


Amanduh *
Weegegirl *

Hired Help :)

ccowden, professional pool boy/shirtless hottie
josheezammit, sexy yard worker

Potential Members:


Potential Names:

Shangri La!

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