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Any men out there class themselves as metrosexual?
Any of you guys do anything that could be considered metrosexual?
The only thing I do is get my skin exfoliated once in a while.
Oh and trim my pubes.....maybe thats just creepy not metro.


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There's nothing wrong with personal hygene, just with how you phrased it.

And no, I'm 99.9% RETROsexual. And my woman loves it. B|
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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I can't speak for Betty, but he's sure as hell not shagged me. No matter how much I ask him

So you say, lithe Dino ... ;) Is the purple coloration genetic, artistic, or merely a consequence of consuming red grapes and jimson weed? Of course it could result from Fred abusing you, in which case please let us know, eventually we'll contact The Hotline ...

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Balls have got to be trim! More sensation for us ;)

I just found this test you can take to find out if you're metrosexual,

It reckons i'm 'Almost' !?

But there's nothing wrong with taken a bit of pride in your appearance is there?!

Sponored by NZ Aerosports, CYPRES 2, Tonfly & L&B

Team Dirty Sanchez #232

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Any men out there class themselves as metrosexual?
Any of you guys do anything that could be considered metrosexual?
The only thing I do is get my skin exfoliated once in a while.
Oh and trim my pubes.....maybe thats just creepy not metro.

Well, I have been called a metrosexual pretty much my whole life. I am a personal hygiene freak. I probably have more hygiene products than most women. There is nothing more disgusting to me than a fucking dirty, stank ass person:S

The Original Cabana Boy!

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Lets see:
I know a Pinot Noir from a Merlot.
I hold the door for a lady.
I know to complement a womens shoes.

'Yes, we will have the filet with the Wild Horse Merlot.

"No please, après vous"

"Nice shoes, wanna fuck!"

D.T. Holder

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Any men out there class themselves as metrosexual?
Any of you guys do anything that could be considered metrosexual?
The only thing I do is get my skin exfoliated once in a while.
Oh and trim my pubes.....maybe thats just creepy not metro.

Well, I have been called a metrosexual pretty much my whole life. I am a personal hygiene freak. I probably have more hygiene products than most women. There is nothing more disgusting to me than a fucking dirty, stank ass person:S

And nothing more sad that someone who worries all the time about their appearance. :S;)

Just because someone is not metrosexual does not make them a dirty stinky person. That is just silly.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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I am a personal hygiene freak. There is nothing more disgusting to me than a fucking dirty, stank ass person:S

Putting more stuff on doesn't make you cleaner.

It's taking stuff off that makes you cleaner.

Anyone using more than soap, a razor, deo and shampoo isn't keeping any cleaner. They're just smearing more on.

It's the year of the Pig.

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Any men out there class themselves as metrosexual?
Any of you guys do anything that could be considered metrosexual?
The only thing I do is get my skin exfoliated once in a while.
Oh and trim my pubes.....maybe thats just creepy not metro.

Well, I have been called a metrosexual pretty much my whole life. I am a personal hygiene freak. I probably have more hygiene products than most women. There is nothing more disgusting to me than a fucking dirty, stank ass person:S

And nothing more sad that someone who worries all the time about their appearance. :S;)

Just because someone is not metrosexual does not make them a dirty stinky person. That is just silly.

I didn't say that jackass.:S>:( I just said that dirty people are disgusting. I never said that you had to be a metrosexual.

Quit worrying about what I think, are you in love with me or something:S:D:D:D.

The Original Cabana Boy!

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I didn't say that jackass.:S>:(

And Jackass is a personal attack. Please try and keep more than your body clean, and put some of that effort into your behavior.


Lord Jesus, I was only kidding. I know GTAVercetti, we give each other a hard time ALL THE TIME. That wasn't a PA, it was only a joke.....jeeez:S

The Original Cabana Boy!

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