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So what kind of pets do you have?
I have a dog and a cat that beats up on the dog.I went to the pet store today and if I had the money I would have left with 8 ferrets.I love those things.They can be the funniest pet you could ever have.I had a albino a few years ago and wish I could afford to get another.

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I have a cat whose fur looks like a tuxedo, and he loves to sit on top of the gerbils cage. But he's scared shitless of my 4yo Ferret. hehe, the Ferret is pretty interested in the gerbil too. I once wanted to see if she still had her "instincts" since she has been domestic all her life...well I had to pry her mouth open to get the Gerbils head out...

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well I had to pry her mouth open to get the Gerbils head out...

I did somewhat the same thing once. I was curious as to whether or not cats actually eat rodents so I held one of our baby gerbils in front of my cat, by the tail. The cat got the whole gerbil in her mouth while I still had hold of the tail. One quick slap to the back of the cat's head and the gerbil was free...no teeth-marks, which was good.

In my defense, I was six years old. What's your excuse!? ;)


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I have one aging Old English Sheepdog/mix. He looks most like an Old English Sheepdog, but he has a tail! I love him dearly, but he is getting old:(. After this dog, no more pets.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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I currently reside with four animals...

1. A mutt of a dog...lab/chow is the best guess... Her name is Ruckus. She is about 50 pounds and a total sweetheart.

2. Black cat named Maximilian Bambini Pepperhead. He got thet name cuz I like Max as a name....Bambini came from his magician like ability to hide in the weirdest places, and Pepperhead cuz he has a few random white hairs right on top of his head and Salthead sounded dumb.

3. An orange tabby cat named Tazzy....but affectionately callet Fatso. We just weighed him...25 pounds.

4. A grey tabby with white named Koby. Affectionately called the Six Toed Little Freak. He actually has seven toes on each of his front paws and five on each of the back (cats are only supposed to have four on the back feet.)


I'm a Doll!!!!

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two dogs; harley, my jack russel terrier and misty, a shih tsu
one cat; bubbles, a fat headed semi long haired moron.
two ferrets; simon, a normal colored one and lilly, sort of albino but has a black tip on her tail and doesn't have the creepy red eyes.
one chinchilla; blizzard. he's kinda boring because he has to stay in his cage in my daughter's room. he's way too far down the food chain to let loose with the rest of the menagerie.

i agree about the ferrets, nothing more entertaining!
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
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One very loveable puppy. When I adopted him I was told he was a Catahoula Mix. I think he's got some pit in him. But he's been the best dog I've ever had. Extremely smart and he's adjusted to apartment life quite well and goes to work with me everyday.

He'll be a year old in a couple of weeks and weighs 45 pounds. Went looking for a lap dog but came home with him:D


Edited cuz I can't spell today


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As soon as I finish this roll of film, I will get it developed w/ the CD so I can post pics of my sweet lil' kitties.

2 cats: Sabre and Zoe'
1 birdfeeder: lot's of birds, less than a foot away from the window for Sabre and Zoe' to watch and smack into the window over:P

Once I get a house, we will add:
1 dog: if it's a girl, it will be named, Velocity, boy will be named Swoop or Hook
1 salt water fish tank: I want a lion fish that I will name Sabre 2, after my lion-cat Sabre.


Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Two dogs. Princess is a 2 1/2 year old hyperactive Rottweiler mix. She's the darling of the neighborhood. Yoda is a 4-year-old Dachshund/Beagle(?) mix. He has an attitude problem and pees on the carpet.[:/] Anyone want a dog?

Wendy W.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Just one dog. An overly protective and not so nice, Black Chow-Chow. I've had 3 chows and this is my last. Too aggressive and protective. But I love him all the same! I think I want my next pet to be either a Newfoundland or a Great Pyrenees.

Next time you have to choose between two evils, choose the one you've never tried before.

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I no longer have pets... I wish that I could but I move around too much :(

My dad has the coolest dog though!!
It's a sharpei- pit bull mix. He's so funny looking that he's not even intimidating. He can't Bite because of his huge lips but he can ram into a person and knock them off their feet because of his big bull head.:ph34r:

I travel the land, Work in the ocean, Play in the sky

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I have a little dog named "Dolly". She is a peekapoo terrier mix, a little mutt. She weighs about 16 lbs and kicks the shit out of my other dog "Rocky". "Rocky" is a 110 lbs German Shepherd Dog that's a big wuss, even though he scares most of the people that see him for the first time. He had a big "I'm gonna run and piss all over if you try to pet me" problem when someone came over that he didn't know but has since grown out of that. Thank god. As much as a wuss he is he'll still kill anything that shouldn't be in our back yard or his backyard....Skunk x2, baby rabbits x3, racoon x1, and numerous bugs eaten:S.


--"Someday you will die and somehow somethings going to steal your carbon" -MM

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My roommate has a great 6 year old yellow lab (I claim myself as the dog's uncle now),

That's cute...our whole street jokes that I'm every dog in the neighborhood's "Auntie Carrie"...I LOVE animals, and LOVE taking my neighbor's dogs to the beach all the time. The neighbors LOVE it, too...ha ha ha.
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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4 cats, 2 mine, 2 my gf's
- small 14 y.o. black and white female (my baby girl!)
- LARGE (18lb) black and white male
- old crochety male tabby
- temperamental but beautiful Russian Blue male

2 tanks full of fish, African Cichlids for those fish peeps out there. Just lost my biggest fish the other day (BIG C. Frontosa for those cichlid peeps out there..) BUMMER!! He was about 7 years old tho, but MAN was he pretty!


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O.K you asked so here we go.
10 horses and a pony.
2 dogs
7 cats
2 pot-bellied pigs
4 Pea-cocks and 8 Pea-hens
About a dozen chickens of mixed breeds.
2 Geese
3 fish tanks with a mix of different fish
I also feed the wild birds and deer 100 pounds of corn a week During winter months. I have seen Deer,Wild turkeys, and hundreds of wild birds mixed with my animals completely surrounding the house all at one time. Love the Country.

------Have a good one!--------

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