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In my mad menagerie....

1x Pavement special fluffy poodle type dog - Charlie
1x Daschund who loves sleeping with her head on my pillow and who is fascinated by freefly videos - Zoe

2 x Border Collies - Dollar with pain stripper breath
- Cassie a lapdog wannabe

1x Jack Russel who is a spotty blimp ;) Savanna

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter

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3 female cats

Demi, who just strode into our apartment one day as a teenager

Angel - given to us at a street fair as a tiny kitten

Red Bluff, who acquired us at a flea-bitten motel in Red Bluff, California. She has the longest fur, but never outgrew her kittenhood malnutrition.

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1x Jack Russel who is a spotty blimp

Aren't Jack Russels great!!! My sister was just telling me about her and Simon's (My brother's JR that he raised from a puppy and has had for 12 or 13 years now) period of "adjustment." Seems there was a bit of a jealousy problem. (My brother says it was on both sides..:D) When they had first moved into their house my sister in law was having some people over. My brother wasn't there. Simon ran into the living room....right in the middle of everyone....and decided to just whizz on the carpet. Staring right at my sister in law. :D He has this stare. It's almost like he is talking to you. I usually know what he wants anyway. That was just one of MANY run in's they had. They grew to tolerate each other though. I know my Jack Russel growing up had jealousy issues. When I was 15 I had this girl over to the house. This dog would jump on the couch and wiggle himself in between us. :D They really take "ownership" of their people.

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Sounds like my pup!!

She had major issues when the Border Collie arrived....decided to snack on the antique couch that we were storing for a friend!!

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter

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