
need an artist's opinion...permanent glue to use on paper?

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Yes, I consider myself artsy and crafty at times, but I need an opinion. I am putting together this book, and want to glue papers/scraps into the book. What kind of glue would work best, for permanently holding paper on paper? I have used the brush on cement glue-type stuff, and that will make paper eventually fall off:S.

Anybody got any ideas?

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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Elmers glue is seriously an amazing thing. The wood glue is a really really good idea. Just use a good amount and rub it in to both sides. Let the pores of the paper soak it in before it hardens.

You could also use a two sided sticky tape but get the thick rolls of it so it covers the whole thing you're sticking on.

Just an idea.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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