Freeflyhawk88 0 #1 March 30, 2005 Pyramid 3D structure Peter lemessuriers; Great pyramid decoded Twice the volume of the Empire state building but weighs thirty times more. Limestone up to seventy ? Joining faces 5' * 7' fit perfectly within a fifteenth of an inch. A series of passages were built into the interior (sections made from granite) Exterior origanlly finfished with a layer of smooth and polished stone. Ratio of the perimeter base lenght to the fulll design height is exactly 2 pi. Basic unit of measurement used is 1/10'000000 the earths radius (25'0265'') The lenght of the base is exactley 365.242 of these units. There are other many precise measurements within the design that indicate strongly the designer of the pyramid new details about the size and orbit of the earth to an accuracy that has only been achieved recently with satellite data. The evidence from archeology is that the great pyramid was on of the first to be built and the egyptian state suddenly appeared at around the same time. Could the designer of the pyramid founded egypt so that the infrastructure needed to carry out the construction was in place. Proposisition; Pyramid represents the earth and that the passages are a three dimensional diagram of our spirtitual progress through time. The time scale is provided by a star alignment at the entrance end to give a precise start date. Alpha Draconis 25.0265'= 25 years (Time Scale) :. Date at any point determined measurement Measuring along the floor from the lines marked at the entrance. Rising = Progress Downward = Decline End of the long downward section and the edge of deep pit. This is the path of the dead, the path of those reincarnating mortals who have lost their enlightenment and foresaken their spiritual nature. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites