
April fools prank ideas?

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if you have access to their computer and they use MS Word, or Outlook etc, go to the Autocorrect Options in the tools menu and set it to replace words with other words instead. So that every time they type 'and' or whatever it replaces it with 'bollocks' or something. Hilarious if the person isn't too computer savvy. We used to have great fun with this one in the computer labs at uni. ;)

~~~ London Skydivers ~~~

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you could w=get with his boss and type out his resignation;)
place an ad in the paper selling his car at a GREATLY ruduced price. call after 9pm of courseB|

anyway, have fun................

---Future Darwin Award recipient-

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shift+print scrn copies the image onto your clipboard. Open Paint and press Ctl+V to paste it in then save it and set it as desktop background. >:(

LMAO.....I just did that to one of my co-workers. :D:D:D I can here him cursing from over here. OMG, that is some funny shit...ROFLMAO:D:D:D

The Original Cabana Boy!

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I've just tried the MS_Word autocorrect one (above) on my P.C as a test (... changed and to fuck...). TeHe it worked great -so when I get to work tomorrow my mate's gonna get it ..... it'll serve him right for leaving his P.C unattended....

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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I've just tried the MS_Word autocorrect one (above) on my P.C as a test (... changed and to fuck...). TeHe it worked great -so when I get to work tomorrow my mate's gonna get it ..... it'll serve him right for leaving his P.C unattended....

Bwahahaha....Dude, I had to get up and leave because I was laughing so hard. He called over to our IT department because he couldn't get his icons to work...:D:D:D:D OMG, I haven't laughed that hard in a while. It will be interesting when the IT guys get down here:D:D

The Original Cabana Boy!

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I've just tried the MS_Word autocorrect one (above) on my P.C as a test (... changed and to fuck...). TeHe it worked great -so when I get to work tomorrow my mate's gonna get it ..... it'll serve him right for leaving his P.C unattended....

Bwahahaha....Dude, I had to get up and leave because I was laughing so hard. He called over to our IT department because he couldn't get his icons to work...:D:D:D:D OMG, I haven't laughed that hard in a while. It will be interesting when the IT guys get down here:D:D

when i did it (this was at a radio station too) i got a call from the jock asking me what i did to the computer. laughged my ass off, then while trying to control myself told him how to fix it.:D:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
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You'll have to let us know what the IT guys say. :D:D:D:D:D

Believe, I'm letting this go all the way. I hope to God that the IT guy can't figure it out. I don't know if I will be able to control myself. Honestly, I'm laughing my ass off as I typing this. He is still cursing up a storm:D:D OMG, my fucking stomach is cramping:D:D

The Original Cabana Boy!

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Too bad you can't video it! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Does anyone know of anyone looking for ex-military because I'm about to get fired. The IT guy couldn't figure it out and he called back up to the shop from help. Lord Jesus, I hope noboby saw me do it.:D:D:D I wish you all could hear them. My co-worker is cursing like crazy and the IT guy is sitting there saying "I just don't know what's wrong." Awesome fucking prank!!!!

The Original Cabana Boy!

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Too bad you can't video it! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Does anyone know of anyone looking for ex-military because I'm about to get fired. The IT guy couldn't figure it out and he called back up to the shop from help. Lord Jesus, I hope noboby saw me do it.:D:D:D I wish you all could hear them. My co-worker is cursing like crazy and the IT guy is sitting there saying "I just don't know what's wrong." Awesome fucking prank!!!!

if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
my site

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Oh shit, I may be in trouble.:D:D:D Another IT guy came to take a look at my bosses computer and he figured it out. My boss went on a rampage trying to figure out who did it. :D:D:DSo, when he came to me, I couldn't hold it in:D:D:D It was like trying to not laugh in church. I freaking lost it. He gave me the worst look, turned around and said he would be back after he calmed down. Needless to say, the IT guys were almost in tears. They were kind of pissed at first but I told them that he shouldn't leave his computer unattended.:D

I swear he is going to kick my ass. I guess I better start getting my resume ready. I don't care, it was worth it. That had to be one of the funniest pranks I have ever pulled:D:D Thanks for the idea....ROFLMAO.

I guess I won't have to work my abs tonight because my fucking stomach is cramping:D

The Original Cabana Boy!

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I fanyone works for a taxi company heres a good one.
Get 2 different lines to dial out on. Call up 2 different taxi companies at the same time and when they connect put the headsets together ie loudspeaker to mic and vice versa.
Make sure you have a way to record the conversation because madness will ensue.
One taxi company will think that the other 1 has called them up.

Its funny and boy does it work well.:D


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Okay, I now am DEFINITELY gonna have to try this prank. Since I am the boss, fuck it!

However, given that we had a total server failure yesterday, I'm gonna call my IT guys and let them in on it. Who knows, perhaps they can come up with things blaming my employees for breaking the computer. Like, "NO! You did WHAT? Patch me through to Jerry, cuz you just reformatted the server drive. I'll have to call San Diego to check on the bachup. I hope it worked."

Boy, this is gonna be fun!

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Ok, i am trying to figure out how to do all this stuff so i can get my dad on Friday along with my coworker. However, since we don't have an IT dept. i need to know how to fix it too. How do i hide icons and taskbar on the desktop and then how do i get them back without having something to click on?:D

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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