
What would be your least favorite job?

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gyno-doc. Wouldn't want that good stuff ruined ... ;) okay the guy who ask us to cough twice to the left that would be worse ...

You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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The son of the loan officer for my first pickup truck got actived for Desert Storm in 1990 and spent a year in Saudi cleaning out port-a-pottys, daily heat up through 120 degrees. So bad a draw I laugh every time I think about it, glad that wasn't me! ;)

You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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Anything in food service.

I'm never doing anything in food service ever again.

S'matter, didn't like flipping burgers? :D

For me it would have to be the trash pick-up guy. I don't think I could stand to get out of bed every day knowing I had to deal with every one else's trash.

Either that or a port-a-potty cleaner.

Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity!

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When I was a kid, I helped my dad dip metal cans into hot tar to coat them. We worked in a tin shed attached to a barn. Heating a drum of hot tar in a metal shed in Florida during the summer. :S

Every so often the mineral spirits caused it to explode and fling boiling tar everywhere. That added some adventure.

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The way I've seen semen collection done was a lot different. An instrument, commonly called a 'silver bulltet', is inserted in the stallion's anus and a mild vibration is produced. The semen is collected in a glass recepticle. Very 'neat' and quick. It was done by a vet. The stallion, would probably prefer the fluffer!:D


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Colo-rectal surgeon. :o:D:S


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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these all sound awful! i wouldn't ever want to prep the dead, drive cabs (i hate driving too), or clean public toilets[:/]
here's another job i never want (but went to school for...eh, the print side):
a newscaster. they have to cheesy jokes all the time and their sentences reeeeeeeeaaaaally have to make sense before they say them... no redo's. plus they have to wear way too much make up and get up extremely early. i wouldn't even last a day!:$
i think i could do weather tho... i love pointing and think i know more than my weather guy... i think...:D
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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