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I am not a big poster like a lot of you guys and gals but I am wanting some opinions.

I am currently in the process of moving away from my home town. I will be moving to Birmingham, AL. I have lived here in Mississippi for my entire life. I have traveled all over the place but never stayed in one place but wanted to. I spent about 4.5 months in Denver, CO a few years ago, but came home. It was a short stay anyway. It was a trip to figure myself out. At this moment in my moving process I am looking for a job in Birmingham and a place to stay. I have a very good possible job in the works. I basically have about 2 months left at my current job. I sit here and think about leaving everything that is familiar behind. All the friends, relatives, co-workers and places with memories. I am moving to be with my girlfriend, get a better paying job, and be closer to my dropzone. I know that I will be back to visit, but it is kinda hard. I know that when I get over there I will have my wonderful girlfriend to welcome me in. Also my DZ family will be there too. So I am torn between feeling sad and being happy. This is a HUGE step for me. I would have to say this is the biggest step I have taken in my life. I have thought this out in my head and my heart and I know this is what needs to happen. But there is this little voice in the back of my mind saying, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Has anyone moved and felt the way I do?

Blue Skies,

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I felt a lot of what you're feeling when I moved from California to Florida awhile back. While that move didn't work out as I'd hoped it would, I'm not sorry I did it. I got to see and experience a lot of things that I wouldn't have if I'd stayed where I was.

I also felt the same when I moved from SoCal to NorCal a few months ago. This move seems to be working out much better so far. I think this is partly because I already had the beginnings of a support system here before I arrived.

My advice would be to acknowledge your fear and doubts... and do it anyway. If it doesn't work out you can always try again someplace else with the advantage of having learned a few things about yourself and your world.

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I just moved from my college town to houston for a job and to be closer to my boyfriend as well. I can honestly say it has been one of the hardest things I have ever done. I left my home DZ which i miss more than i imagined I could and I left all my friends behind. Despite all of this I am glad I did it. It has made me become more independent and I am learning to be happy with myself because I have to be. I still consider moving back but I want to make it here. Plus having a boyfriend I am crazy about helps. Good luck with the move I'm sure it will be great!!:)

A life without a cause
is a life without an effect

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Welcome to Birmingham dude! (well when you get here anyway)
I've moved back and forth from Birmingham to San Antonio a couple of times, so I know how it is. Don't worry about it! You're not moving that far away... If you end up not being happy, MS is just right next door! You can always go home. It's good to change things up a bit from time to time.
I think you'll like Birmingham, it's not too bad. If you were moving from LA or NYC, it might be a different story.
Come out and jump with us at Pell City sometime if you get a chance.
Good luck with the job prospect!


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I just moved to DeLand in June. I felt the same way, said the exact same things (- the significant other part), and had many reservations. It is tough, its not easy but its easier than you think. If you are moving from cold to warm, its easy to get people to visit!

Just think of all the new friends you have to make in the new town. Don't think of how many people you don't know or will miss. Think about how many new people and skydivers there are for you to add to your list of every growing friends. You'll always have back home, now there's just another place to visit for family.

Head up, it'll be cool, stick to it!
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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