
I want to be a hottie and need advice.

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Well.........from what MANY women have told me lately.....it involved me growing a beard and letting my hair grow out. *Shrug*

That is so NOT what i told you last night on the phone.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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As far as i'm concerned, being a hottie goes way beyond looks. I mean sure they help but...wait c'mere, i'll whisper this so we don't let ALL the other guys know...manners, being able to maintain eye contact through a conversation, actually being interested in that conversation and the other little things also go a looooong way to making a man attractive.

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You have to seem unavailable or untouchable. It seems a lot of women only like guys they can't have. :D

(btw I'm joking so nobody get their knickers in a bunch....though who knows, I maybe have a point haha)

Honestly brother, I'd like to know this bit of information myself, so if you find out, pass the info along to me, ok? B|:P

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Funny you should say that, cause it's been my tactic with your name (especially at dz.com places). Hey I know that guy CCowden, wanna meet him?

I've been dropping your name for years! :P

Of course if that doesn't work, I just bring out my clown glasses and they're swooning :D
Performance Designs Factory Team

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Its SOOOOOOO Easy.....
All you have to do is
1) Be able to turn a 15pt 8 way head down diveB|
2) Carve the pond after a 270 front riser hook
3) be a dick - women seem to love that shit...Nice guys are always on the side line.

Good luck on the 1st 2

BASE 3:16 - Even if you are about to land on a cop - DONT FORGET TO FLARE!
Free the soul -- DJ

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Its SOOOOOOO Easy.....
All you have to do is
1) Be able to turn a 15pt 8 way head down diveB|
2) Carve the pond after a 270 front riser hook
3) be a dick - women seem to love that shit...Nice guys are always on the side line.

Good luck on the 1st 2

Well, let's see.....
1) I have turned 8 points on a 3 way head down and been on a 15 way. Does that count?
2) I can half-ass swoop a pond. But my 270 is more of a carve than a hook.
3) I would never intentionally be a dick to a girl. I actually AM a nice guy, and treat them with love and respect. Funny- I never feel like I am "on the sideline."

Well shoot! Guess I'm not a hottie then! :P

But I think I will stay the way I am.:)

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get married

And that, people, is no joke,

Amen, reverend. It's like my wife put a tattoo on me that only women can see that says, "Hey, chicks. Go for him."

So now as opposed to laughing at me, smacking me, throwing rocks, putting sugar in my gas tank and taking out innumerable restraining orders, they now seem somehow attracted.[:/]

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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