
What are you afraid of?

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spiders WITH needles!!! OMG!!!

Or even worse...
A Female Spider with Needles who just heard her Biological Clock start ticking!!

Scary Shit!!

With flying ninja monkeys chasing them.:|

I have a fear of not being able to find a great steak when I want one.
Lee _______________________________

In a world full of people, only some want to fly, is that not crazy?

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That's reasonable.

They can be scary, 'specially during a crisp full-moon evening when they don't want to leave your camp site. B|

Oh thanks! I just peed my pants!:S

They are big, scary animals, and I hate the way they look at you. It is like they are looking right into my soul.

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I'm afraid of clowns.

Clowns are supposed to be scary.

Least I think they are.


Well they do a good job by me. I wouldn't say "Scared" about them on tv or in a picture I happen to see, then I just get the hebeegeebees... But stick a real one in the same room as me?... I don't know what comes over me.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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