
What are you afraid of?

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What are your biggest fears?

Not things you're sort of afraid of, but things you're very afraid of.

Ok, don't laugh...

Spiders and heights.

They're really irrational fears, but they're my fears none-the-less.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Oh my god, confined spaces [:/]
I could never go caving - the thought of thousands of tonnes of rock above and around me makes me feel a bit ill. *shudders*
I tried to explain this to a friend, and they just looked at me and went '...but you jump out of planes!'
Yeah, I know, I know :D

"I have done that," says my memory. "I cannot have done that," says my pride, and remains adamant. At last, memory yields. - Nietzsche

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Oh my god, confined spaces [:/]
I could never go caving - the thought of thousands of tonnes of rock above and around me makes me feel a bit ill. *shudders*
I tried to explain this to a friend, and they just looked at me and went '...but you jump out of planes!'
Yeah, I know, I know :D

Yeah, I second that. That and Drowning.
I went caving (only ONCE) and we had to crawl though pools of still water in pitch darkness with no idea how deep it was. Never again

"That's not flying ... That's falling with style!" - (Woody, Toy Story)

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Everyone keeps mentioning spiders.

In Florida, we have these big ones called banana spiders. Black and yellow and as big as your hand.

They make huge webs in rural areas. Some orange groves.

When I was younger, I was riding horses with some friends when a girl rode her horse through a big web between two orange trees. The web covered her and 4 or 5 big spiders were on her. One on her head, in her hair.

Totally freaked her out.

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Getting old.

I'm at home at my parents place for Easter and i've been spending some time with my Grandma, she's 93. Her mind's as sharp as a razor but her body's given up. I don't want to end up like that.

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Getting old.

I'm at home at my parents place for Easter and i've been spending some time with my Grandma, she's 93. Her mind's as sharp as a razor but her body's given up. I don't want to end up like that.


She's pretty much confined to her chair with a whiskey and a good book, with short trips to her kitchen and bathroom with a walker.
I can't decide what would be worse though, being stuck like that or having a body that works ok and a weak mind.

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I'm with Linny and Peej. Gettting old scares the f*ck out me. I am 43, workout 3-4 times a week, don't smoke, eat healthy and I still see the effects of aging. It's not the process that bothers me it's the inevitable result.:(:(:(
"I'm not a gynecologist but I will take a look at it"
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