
Alpha 117 line set help

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Well once again I have a customer bring me a canopy that is no longer manufactured and wants a re-line.....My last post here resulted in help that worked out(thanks PeteS)...Does anyone know of any contact info I can try to get a line set for an Alpha 117. I did e-mail Atair asking for their assistance and received no response. If anyone know a direct e-mail or contact phone number address of someone at Atair, please send it to me....or if someone knows of anyone who can hook me up with an Alpha 117 complete lineset , let me know..............................
Otherwise I'm gonna suggest my customer buy an up to date canopy and stop buying trash from the past.
Thanks for any help....and of course the last editorial line was just frustration from getting so many requests to update out of date canopies.

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Well, I don't have anything on the Alpha, but here are the line specs for the Cobalt and Space canopies made by Atair:)
Call JR Sides at Chambersburg Skydiving Center. He relined my Space 170 according to these specs last year and it flies great. He was taught in the art of line set making my Mel Lancaster;)

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The Viper, Alpha, and Colbalt all have the same line set on them. There were a few differences in the earlier canopies, but the latest version works on them all now.

Call Pete Swan if you need a line set.
I am currently away on assignment, but he has all of my line charts and can fix you up with a set if needed.

BTW, one of the biggest differences is the center A's and B's now being non-casscaded. It helps the openings alot.

Skyworks Parachute Service, LLC

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