
Lost Prairie Video

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I just got my Lost Praire 2004 video in the mail. Problem is, it's totally garbage. By this I mean the video is completely unviewable. It scrolls on the screen and just can't be viewed. The audio is ok, but video is screwed. Tracking does nothing for it either. I tried 3 different VCRs with the same result. I'm thinking I got a corrupted copy, but I'm wondering if anybody else has had this problem. Anybody know who I need to talk to about getting it replaced? Gonna have to call the folks at LP I guess.


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Anybody know who I need to talk to about getting it replaced?

I don't know anything more than what I have read in the Lost Prairie thread.

You might check this out:


Others may have better information.
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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I contacted MichaelBess and he was really cool about it. I think its just an isolated bad tape. Anyway, I got the situation resolved so no big deal.


If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.

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