
loud boisterious morbid 1st timers...and other DZ irks

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Nah, those "macho" armageddon guys don't bother me....I love being their instructor and seeing the look on their face when I open that door for the first time

Ding, Ding Ding!

We have a winner. Its fun to prove their unmachoness to themselves without having to do anything but your job...taking them on their first skydive. I don't have to say a thing, to do that, I just take them out the door and their fear proves themselves to well, themselves for me.:D

I've always wanted to play a reluctant student getting thrown bodily out of the plane by his "instructors" via a Viking Exit in front of first-timers...>:(:D:D


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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i see it differently, allow me to elaborate:

when i went for my DEA physical aptitude test, i was nervous beyond belief (if you fail twice you can't reapply for a whole year.)

one of the guys who had done it before (failed) and was here on his second try came up and talked to me, he could see that i was distraught about making the grade. he came up and told me that i had everything i needed to pass, just go, relax and do it. He didn't tell me how i should run, or do my pushups, or sprint, etc.

that's what i do with first timers. "hey, first time? yeah. it's gonna be great! just relax, be sure to breathe normally, and totally enjoy the ride, you're gonna have a blast." i don't try and teach them technique, i leave that to the pros.

see where i'm coming from?

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I've always wanted to play a reluctant student getting thrown bodily out of the plane by his "instructors" via a Viking Exit in front of first-timers...

I've joked with friends that we could go to some DZ that doesn't know us, sign up for AFF and then bust into a head down on Level I. Then of course swoop the student canopy on landing. Think they would like us? :ph34r:

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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that's what i do with first timers. "hey, first time? yeah. it's gonna be great! just relax, be sure to breathe normally, and totally enjoy the ride, you're gonna have a blast." i don't try and teach them technique, i leave that to the pros.

see where i'm coming from?

I understand where you're coming from, I too tell first timers they'll have fun, but I don;t try and tell them any technique...just my personal experience of my jump. It is good you are trying to encourage "first timers"---but your post just makes it sound like you almost look down on them, or think you are better cause you have 2 more jumps than them. People in this sport need to realize, no matter how many jumps you have, you are not the s***!!!! Someone, somewhere, will always be better or have more jumps than you, so let's just all forget jump numbers and have fun.;)

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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"it's a beautiful day to die" is another one i hear occasionally. while it's annoying,


I especially hate it when it's my rigger saying it.:P


John make funny. Funny John. :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Nothing personal, but I'd perceive that as a 'been there done that got the t-shirt' advice. I.e "dude I've done this shitloads of times, no biggie.

Some people could take it the wrong way, that's all I'm saying. To more experienced jumpers listening in, you run the risk (depending on your choie of words) of sounding like a wannabe.

I usually just tell people it's ok to be nervous, it's normal and you're supposed to be. It's an incredible thing a skydive so there are incredible feelings attached to it.

Any question related to techniques in freefall and I refer them to the instructor with the words "He/she knows more about teaching than I do, and I don't wanna tell you something that's not right for you."

I know many instructors are pretty annoyed at relative newcomers offering advice on how to turn etc to students.

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When I'm up near the tandems and jump run is nearing, I'll usually wait for a moment when their TM isn't adjusting stuff and/or talking to them and include them in the handshake rounds.

Otherwise it's probably best to let students be students and intstructors be instructors.

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Regardless I hope you stick with it and when one day when you have 100 plus jumps we'll both be good enough to make a jump together and have a blast !! Blue Ones .....:)

I'm beyond that...but I think you meant to reply to superman...:P
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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dude me and u have nothing to offer any student jumpers other than the words "ASK YOUR INSTRUCTOR" its cool to say yeah its going to be great and your gona love it................
If the instuctors want them to be sure to do something they will let them know

as for the "its a good day to die thing"
is it really that big of a deal that it takes your mind off what your sapose to be doing on your jump........................if thats the case u might want to think about why your distracted so easy:S

as far as your post history i would stay away from posting anything negative about anyone

just my 2

Not only will you look better, feel better, and fuck better; you'll have significantly increased your life expectancy. --Douva

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Yeah, I know what you mean...but! I just love strapping macho types to my harness. Like others have said in this thread "When the door opens, and the breeze picks up all they want is Mommy".

Also, I really have a lot of fun when some burly biker type (you know, tank top and "do rag" clad) asks me if I'm gay as I trace his harness straps. I tend to prance about, and speak (try to) feminine.

It's all good man.


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just because i have 3 jumps doesn't mean i have less authority to talk to a new jumper about the experience than a person with 3,000. we were all there at one point and i'm sure we all remember what it felt like.

I honestly wish I could tap into that sometimes. I'm sure every other T/I on here would like to remember what it felt like on their first jump. And we all get to experiance it for the first time, with every student!


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Why don't guys give the dude a break.....jeeez. I think he's been tormented enough over the last couple of days :S

You're right. At some point we need to stop. But if you don't recognize the potential issues of someone who's already giving fellow students jumping advice at 3 jumps (tandems no less), then imagine what will happen when he's got 50 or 100 jumps. I might as well tell Jim Slaton now that he's been replaced as my canopy control coach as we've got a potential new skygod ready to replace him. And I can't wait for my new coach with 50 jumps to really teach me how I can fly my canopy.

Okay ... I think I'm done. If I haven't made my point, then I never will. :)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Regardless I hope you stick with it and when one day when you have 100 plus jumps we'll both be good enough to make a jump together and have a blast !! Blue Ones .....:)

I'm beyond that...but I think you meant to reply to superman...:P

Umm yes I had a few martinis so I didn't reply directly to his last post but hey maybe one day we can jump together as well :)

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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Why don't guys give the dude a break.....jeeez. I think he's been tormented enough over the last couple of days :S

You're right. At some point we need to stop. But if you don't recognize the potential issues of someone who's already giving fellow students jumping advice at 3 jumps... [SNIP]

"Lighten up Francis"

Come on dude. Listen to yourself. The "Advice" you're talking about is "Be calm, relax and enjoy the view... and show a good throw (when it applies)"

Please guy. [:/] He'd be well within his expertise giving this out as 'advice' with no jumps at all! He's not teaching anybody shit! He's not claiming to be anything more special then he is.


Okay ... I think I'm done. If I haven't made my point, then I never will. :)

[looks around the room now that Canuck has left].. he'll be back. [:/] I just about guaranteed it.


My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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i don't try and teach them technique, i leave that to the pros.

Really? Then what's this:


i tell them to start good habits now and maintain good altitude awareness and show a good throw when they pull

did i say, i sit them down and teach them to throw?

i said for them to display a calm confident throw (their instructor will be the one to teach him/her how to throw), not to panic if they have a hard time finding the ripcord.

and to reiterate a post i made from page 2:


plus, i don't remember stating how i was such "hot shit" :|

and i've made repeated attempts to clarify that it is not my intention to portray myself in such a manner, so i'd appreciate it if you stopped accusing me of acting of such behavior.

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Why don't guys give the dude a break.....jeeez. I think he's been tormented enough over the last couple of days :S

Maybe he should just shut his mouth and stop saying stupid shit! then people wouldn't get on him and give him a break!!
Sorry to criticize you 3 jump tandem master!
Some times you gain more when you just listen, stop acting like you have been in the sport for years!
Like someone told you earlier STOP AND THINK BEFORE YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH!

Face first landing YET again! "I thought I flared" Grass tastes great!!!!!

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I wasn't accusing you of anything, just simply pointing out what you said yourself.

Showing someone a 'good throw' is in essence, teaching them something.


i said for them to display a calm confident throw (their instructor will be the one to teach him/her how to throw), not to panic if they have a hard time finding the ripcord.

No, you said you show them a good throw.

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