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Do you have them? If so, how many?
3 so far

Do you want them someday? If so, how many?
1 more

I want a whole horde. :)
Those of you who have them, how old would you recommend having them?

age 0. Having them right from birth is great!:ph34r:
here's mine so far(pics):)
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I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Do you have them? If so, how many?

I have one. A picture I took three days ago is attached. Seven months old, he is now...

I want one or two more - when we can handle another one and when we can handle my wife being pregnant again. ;)


how old would you recommend having them?

Hmmm. I can't think of anyone I know who had a baby too late. I know plenty (and I've represented some) who had them way too early.

I was 31 when Conor was born. He's shown me that I was too young when we had him.

I thought I knew so much. I thought I knew what love was. I didn't what love really is until he came along...


I want a whole horde.

You'll likely reassess this after your first...

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I come from a family of 8. I fulfill the Irish Catholic stereotype. I want to mate and produce and nurse someday. ;) I am definitely going to wait for the right one though and have fun trying out the wrong ones. :P I want to have at least four. 2 of each if it works out that way. B|
Please feel free to reply to my posts and pm's, but only if you're smart enough to understand what they really mean.

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Do you have them? If so, how many?

3 dumplin's. :)


Those of you who have them, how old would you recommend having them?

It's usually best to have them as infants. If you have children any older than that, it's REEEEEALLY hard to get them out of the birth canal. :)

Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Here are a couple pictures of Jay. The first is from our camping trip a couple weeks ago. The other is from december.

We had his 8th birthday party this weekend, and am I exhausted. Had an all-day party at the farm and a campout. Trivia: The trains do NOT run between midnight and 3:30 am. Otherwise they pass the farm with whistles blowing every 30 minutes. Exhausted children are not disturbed by these. The rooster begins to crow at 4am.... Exhausted children are not awakened by these either. You can't buy too many hot dogs....

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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That's noble.

I am hardly a noble person. It is just something that I am passionate about. I love children and I love helping people so it only makes sense to me to combine those two things and adopt.

A genetic connection does not make you any more or less of a parent...it is the love, time, and connection that you have with a child that will do that.

Besides, if you have children naturally you have to take what you get. With adoption you get to choose your child. How special is that? :)

Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity!

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I think I'd like to have a kid one day, maybe two at the most... but that wont be for a long time yet, i'm only 21 right now and although my mother was married with two children by that age I know i'm no where near ready. I think maybe when i'm about 33 or something. I'm way too selfish to have a child right now.

And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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I'm way too selfish to have a child right now.

That is the most honest statement I've heard in a long time. I wish more people knew themselves as well as you know yourself before they bring a child into this world. :)

Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity!

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That's noble.

A genetic connection does not make you any more or less of a parent...it is the love, time, and connection that you have with a child that will do that.

Besides, if you have children naturally you have to take what you get. With adoption you get to choose your child. How special is that? :)
It is very special but I disagree with your view on taking what I get. What I get is a very natural gift made of me and my love. :)

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my wife used to say that before we had her first, my third. they are 17(g), 15(b), 2(b). i would definately recommend waiting til at least 30, i'm 35 now and so much better of a parent. still, the first two are not bad, they did ok. i got a pic of my daughter holding my newest son. i got my parachute on right before a water jump in the army, he loved watching the choppers take off and land.
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes

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