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benforde 0
QuoteQuotePlease don't compare children to pets... It's ludicrous.
I disagree. My dog brings me as much joy (and suffering) as my son does. I can't imagine my life without either one.
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I agree with you. Some baby is going to be very fortunate to have you adopt them someday. My cousin adopted two boys, it was meant to be, they are devoted to one another. It's beautiful. I would love children someday too, it's just a question of when and who with.QuoteQuoteIt is very special but I disagree with your view on taking what I get.
And that is why humans are so great.....we each have our own unique and different opinion.

Don't you mean female(s)? You seem to have a few.QuoteQuoteDo you have them?
No.QuoteDo you want them someday?
Badly. Like yesterday...QuoteIf so, how many?
Don't know, don't care to know. I'd like to be re-evaluating after each child (with my Alpha female, that is...)

QuoteDo you have them?
No...none living
QuoteDo you want them someday?
Yes, eventually
QuoteIf so, how many?
I'd like 2 healthy children - boy first then girl. But I really don't care about the gender as long as they are healthy.
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.
hooked 0
QuoteI have three that are 16, 12 and 11 and just found out I have one on the way
Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.
(1) No
(2) No
My folks say we're selfish, I say it would be more selfish to have some when you dont want them.
There are plenty of folk out there that do want them and with good reason (for them) - That's great, good luck to them.
My sister has 4 so if we need a fix ..... but we can always hand them back and go home. It works out just fine for both of us.
Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome
(2) No
My folks say we're selfish, I say it would be more selfish to have some when you dont want them.
There are plenty of folk out there that do want them and with good reason (for them) - That's great, good luck to them.
My sister has 4 so if we need a fix ..... but we can always hand them back and go home. It works out just fine for both of us.
Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome
I disagree. My dog brings me as much joy (and suffering
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