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Like Lisa, I have a 21-year-old. I was almost 29 when I had him, and for me it was a good age to be. Now I'm 50, healthy, back to skydiving, and he's mostly an adult. He's a wonder and a delight to be around.

The perfect age is when you're ready, and when you want to really devote brain cells and time to being a good parent.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I have only one son. His name is Jayden Anthony, and I love him with all my heart. It's amazing how much children improve your life. I could't picture my life any different.
He's almost 17 months old now. My wife is trying to talk me into a second ;)

(For the life of me, I can't figure out how to attach a picture of him to this post. I've uploaded it three times, and it doesn't show up. Any help with this would be appreciated).

The sole intention, is learning to fly.Condition grounded, but determined to try.Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies.Tongue tied and twisted, just an Earth bound misfit.

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Please don't compare children to pets... It's ludicrous.

Don't say that, my dog Bear has been a huge part of my life for the past eleven years and for a part of that time he was the only family I had.


It's ok, we know the real truth pets are better than kids. ;)

1) They don't ask for money
2) They don't need the latest fashions
3) They come when called
4) Easier to train
5) Don't hang out with drugy friends
6) If they do get pregnant you can sell the babies.


Oh and just cause someone is going to get outraged.....It's a joke.
Fly it like you stole it!

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It's ok, we know the real truth pets are better than kids. ;)

1) They don't ask for money
2) They don't need the latest fashions
3) They come when called
4) Easier to train
5) Don't hang out with drugy friends
6) If they do get pregnant you can sell the babies.


7) Euthanizing them is legal.

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Please don't compare children to pets... It's ludicrous.

Don't say that, my dog Bear has been a huge part of my life for the past eleven years and for a part of that time he was the only family I had.


It's ok, we know the real truth pets are better than kids. ;)

1) They don't ask for money
2) They don't need the latest fashions
3) They come when called
4) Easier to train
5) Don't hang out with drugy friends
6) If they do get pregnant you can sell the babies.


Oh and just cause someone is going to get outraged.....It's a joke.


And much easier to Neuter...!! :)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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It's ok, we know the real truth pets are better than kids. ;)
1) They don't ask for money
2) They don't need the latest fashions
3) They come when called
4) Easier to train
5) Don't hang out with drugy friends
6) If they do get pregnant you can sell the babies.
7)And much easier to Neuter...!! :)

Going along... The main problem with children is when they have to face many shrink sessions due to the fact that they might have been treated like animals by their parents while they grew up...
Dogs don't need any of that if they were treated like children.
But! you do have to pick up their shit for the full length of their short lived life.

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Going along... The main problem with children is when they have to face many shrink sessions due to the fact that they might have been treated like animals by their parents while they grew up...

Hey I STRONGLY beleive that some people should not reproduce.
Fly it like you stole it!

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Going along... The main problem with children is when they have to face many shrink sessions due to the fact that they might have been treated like animals by their parents while they grew up...

Hey I STRONGLY beleive that some people should not reproduce.

And this is why birth control needs to be in the tap water....
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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That's noble.

I am hardly a noble person. It is just something that I am passionate about. I love children and I love helping people so it only makes sense to me to combine those two things and adopt.

A genetic connection does not make you any more or less of a parent...it is the love, time, and connection that you have with a child that will do that.

Besides, if you have children naturally you have to take what you get. With adoption you get to choose your child. How special is that? :)


It really is VERY Special!

Attached are some PICs of our 'youngins'
who joined us 5 years ago from Russia.
Then & Now...the day we met them, and this
past weekend...

Very Special Indeed! :)

WOW! You have some beauties there! I'm happy for you for having such a beautiful family.

Adoption is not something that I would recommend for everyone. It is a very personal decision that has to come from within yourself. You have made that decision and it seems to have worked out for you. Congrats.

Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity!

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Thanks for that ..... I just hope that my wife and I are too old by the time we realise.

P.S we've got my mate, wife and 2 month old babe coming to stay this Easter weekend (we're really looking forward to it) - more aversion therapy;)

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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I have a daughter who's one and a half. I'd like two more children. My daughter is the best and coolest thing that ever happened to me.
"These are the old days, the bad days, the all-or-nothing days. They're back! There's no choice left, and I'm ready for war."

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If I had a kid right now, and he or she asked me some deep question I didn't have an answer for, I'd most likely clutch my head between my hands and run screaming from the room...

...step one is probably getting impulses like that under control...

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Why have I had such grumpy posts today?

I got to hang out with my son this morning. We're talking 3:15 a.m. Conor woke up, and he wanted to PLAY! I thought my wife was doing a GREAT job with him at around 3:10 a.m. So what did I do?

Yeah, I made the mistake of trying to get back to sleep. My wife, in a not-so-polite way, ahem, "asked for my assistance." So away daddy and Conor went for some play time and watching Baby Einstein. Mommy forcefully declined the invitation to join us. He loves playing with my electric guitar. In the interests of mommy, though, we only turned it up to .5.

Goodness, it's amazing how much fun you can have when you are sleep deprived. Conor crawled, played with some toys, and even took the biggest dump of his life at about 4:15. You know you're sleepy when cleaning that heap of brown and green doesn't bother you. After all, the diaper did contain most of it.

Ah, the joys of parenthood. What is love? Getting rudely awakened, shit on, peed on, spit up on, and all around excercised at zero-dark-thirty in the morning, and getting cuddly hugs and slobbery kiss after he makes that big yawn indicating that my freedom to sleep is fast approaching.

I got him a bottle, set him in the crib, and slept right next to it. Sure, my wife was in our bed, and there was space for me where it was nice and warm. Somehow, I took the option that sounded better at the time - right on the floor under his crib (he just started using it on Saturday, and has yet to start a night in it).

So Conor was in his crib for the first time other than a nap, and daddy was right there on the floor.

Daddy's tired today, but it's the way it ought to be...

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Daddy's tired today, but it's the way it ought to be...


Daddy went YARD! ;)

...all the way outta the park!!!B|

No, baby woke up once earlier that night, and daddy was thrown out at first base...

I would have a hard time getting even this pixie to cheer when baby wakes up in the soft light...


My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Don't you mean female(s)? You seem to have a few. :S

No, that's not what I meant/wrote. Focus, and try again.:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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I have one, she's 2 months old.

How many would I recommend having?..... none! It's VERY hard work!!! I love her to bits but she's changed my life completely.

I knew it would be hard and my life would change but didn't realise just how much until she arrived.

She is gorgeous....... she is also a pain in the A [:/]

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