
Is it lame to match your canopy to your container?

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Well Kim, your rig is gorgeous and so are you. But to answer the original question, It's perfectly fine to make everything match. Variety is the spice of life and it's cool to see all of those different colored rigs, canopies, jumpsuits at the dropzone. But remember, black and white go with everything. ;)

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I voted no only because there was no 'absolutely not' option. I'm planning to do the same thing when I get the money and am ready to downsize. Also once I get the money my helmet is getting a custom paint job. My wingsuit and belly suit already match my container but when I get a freefly suit it's gonna match my container and the tattoo style motif that's gonna go on my helmet.

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Well Kim, your rig is gorgeous and so are you. But to answer the original question, It's perfectly fine to make everything match. Variety is the spice of life and it's cool to see all of those different colored rigs, canopies, jumpsuits at the dropzone. But remember, black and white go with everything. ;)

Awwwww -thank you!

B|And if the container I bought was black and white (which I would have loved) I wouldn't have had to sell my purple Alti 2 to buy the blue one that matched!!!!!! (yeah I can't believe I admitted that either!)
Kim Mills
USPA D21696
Tandem I, AFF I and Static Line I

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My first all new gear had the main matching the container. My RW and wingsuits match my rigs(blue and yellow), but my new favorite colors are "stock" or "used". Current canopy colors are: pink-green-yellow(in neon), black-blue, navy-royal,lemon-lime(in neon), old school rainbow-white, blue-raspberry-yellow.

Yes, I'm a gear whore.

I have heard there are 4 stages in gear ownership.

1-All used just after receiving "A", nothing matches
2-New gear painstakingly designed to match, waiting long time for delivery since it's all custom
3-Downsizing and you want it now, cheap as possible, any color, maybe as second rig since you are now working at the DZ and wear out your gear faster
4-Everything matches again because you are now a sponsored jumper and someone else is footing the bill.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

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initially my stuff didn't match but now it does.....but it is something that has happened over time as i have gotten new gear over the last couple of years.;)

DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
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Having jumped a black canopy for almost 3 years now I've realized that I go into "stealth mode" on sunset loads, and we had a devil of a time finding it in the Washington woods on a cutaway. I would much prefer brighter canopy colors.

That was a tough one to find, wasn't it?B|

I couldn't agree with Krisanne more about bright colors for the main. It's easier to find after a cutaway. More importantly, you're easier to see under canopy. I pick my main colors for safety, not style. As far as matching your rig? Well, if you have favorite colors, sure. But the canopy's only out for a few minutes each jump, so I really don't care about color coordination.:D

Maybe if I did CRW again, I would.:P

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Hell no! I am Mr. Gear Whore.B| All the cool kids are doing it these days. I have 2 matching containers, mains, and jump suits.:P Well i did untill i sold my other main to down size and went with another main then sold it and now thinking about downsizing again. If you are ordering new then get what you want not what others like! If others dont like it then fuck them!

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At the dz.com xmas boogie, i remember standing there watching something like 100 people land from the cross country. Just about everyone who had matching rig and canopy landed on their ass or their face. It was hillarious as we stood there and realised the people landing on their faces were all wearing matching suit, canopy and container while not one person wearing mis matched gear landed on their face.
Of course it was just a random thing but it was funny as hell. You ended up standing there saying, here comes a matching one.......ouch. haha. was very funny.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Yes, but that didn't stop me.

For my FJC I bought grey trekking sneakers, as I liked the 'cushioning' they had as well as the ankle support.
Bought an altimeter off a friend. Black, as it happened.
Bought a helmet. Not really thinking about gear, so took a black one.
Bought a jumpsuit. Navy with gold grips and silver accents to separate the other colours.
Bought a 2nd hand rig that fit well. Didn't know that it was black until I went to fit it.
Bought gloves. Akandos fit really comfortably, and given the choice between balck and white I chose black - I don't want white in any of my gear because of the occasional screwup while landing. I know how to PLF and will do so when necessary or when in doubt.
Demoe'd a Storm and fell in love..
Realised that all my gear was approximately the same colours, either black, grey, navy or gold.
Figured if I had to shell out all that dough for a brand new canopy, it might as well match my other gear.:)

ETA: I got one single red detail on all of my gear:
My cutaway. It used to be a shade of green which went great with my suit, but I had it replaced.

PS.The 'silver' of my reserve handle is of course completely different from the 'silver' in the fabric (just to forestall any smart as-, er..Alics).:P

"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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like others have said, if you're buying all new gear, it doesn't cost any more to make it match. my stuff (rig, main, jumpsuit and free-fly pants) was all ordered new and all are red, white and black. i get called a 'gear fag' but who cares? i bought it for me, not them.B|

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I am working on getting my A now and had some extra money laying around so I decided to get all my stuff custom ordered and it is all in the same color scheme. Black and Neon Orange. Sure some people may think I look like a dork but it is what I wanted to spend my cash on and I personally think it looks really cool.
Is it bad when I am consistently dreaming about skydiving?

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Ive been hearing mixed reviews...i am getting a new canopy and wanna be one of the cool kids but i hear matchy matchy is super queer..

Why care what others think about these things?

PS: Cool kids don't follow trends, they start them ...
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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Ive been hearing mixed reviews...i am getting a new canopy and wanna be one of the cool kids but i hear matchy matchy is super queer..

Why care what others think about these things?

PS: Cool kids don't follow trends, they start them ...

well i obviously only started skydiving so people would think im a badass...


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Do you plan on keeping this canopy for the rest of you life in the sport.? I say buy something you can easily sell. Within a year or two you will want to downsize and if you can't sell your custom colors, it will be difficult to buy your brand new custom color canopy.

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Ive been hearing mixed reviews...i am getting a new canopy and wanna be one of the cool kids but i hear matchy matchy is super queer..

It's probably silly to be buying a new canopy at 100 jumps, since most people want to down size beyond that and doing so isn't imprudent 150 jumps later (not even a full season for people who live near turbines and good weather) provided that you have worked on canopy flight.

When it comes time to sell that canopy with 150 jumps you're competing with canopies with 600 jumps and new lines that fly exactly the same. You're likely to either sit on your canopy for a while or loose hundreds of dollars more than the usual $1/jump depreciation assuming you got reasonable colors. With unreasonable colors it'll be worse.

I didn't buy a brand new skydiving canopy until I got to a point where I wasn't going to down size any farther and had been happy to make 600 jumps on the previous size.

As long as you're buying a new canopy you might as well get colors you like because stills and video of you look better to you that way.

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Do whatever you think looks best. "Cool" comes from inside. The original post sounds tongue-in-cheek, but the poll suggests it's serious.

EDIT: Look at my avatar (or click the link in my sig to see it larger). My helmet, rig, wingsuit, and canopy all match. And what's more... they match the sky! (blue/white)

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I bought all brand new gear (a lot of people will say that's dumb considering my jump numbers, but I have my own reasons for doing it) and since it costs the same amount of money to get stock colors versus custom colors, why not get what you like?

It's a personal choice and it's your money. Everything I have matches and I'll probably always be that way even when I start downsizing and getting different gear later down the road. My favorite colors are neon yellow and black. So it looks good to me, plus I'm the brightest person in the sky so nobody can ever use the excuse "I didn't see you" ;)

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If you're buying all new, Go for it!

BUT - I did know someone back a few years that had a custom color reserve that matched her gear... When she cutaway from a failed main (top of center cell left with), we couldn't tell who was under canopy... There were the right number, plus a cutaway floating... Wasn't until we could see the lack of trailing PC that we knew who was under reserve.

Personally, I believe in a BRIGHT solid-color reserve.

But for your normally viewed gear (rig/main/jumpsuit/helmet/etc) HAVE FUN expressing yourself.

Always remember that some clouds are harder than others...

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Ive been hearing mixed reviews...i am getting a new canopy and wanna be one of the cool kids but i hear matchy matchy is super queer..

Have the colors you want! Jump like you mean it and work hard at being the best skydiver you can be every time you are at the DZ, and everything else will take care of itself. You will NEVER be able to keep everyone happy, so make yourself happy and jump safe!

Just burning a hole in the sky.....

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