
anybody have tonsilitis before?

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what is it? I think I may have it. I can't get to see the doctor for antibotics till next week:(
...will I be okay? :S

I'm a pretty tough girl, I normally don't see a doctor for much, but looking at the inside of my throat...B|...I think a visit is appropriate.:S

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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Ha, it is karma coming back at you. The smiley balloon will have its revenge! :D:D:D

Seriously, no I haven't had it before. If you cannot get to the doc for a while then make sure to gargle with salty warm water. Also, you could just call him and describe your symptoms and he should be able to reccommend some otc products to relieve some of the discomfort.

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***Ha, it is karma coming back at you. The smiley balloon will have its revenge! :D:D:D***
ha!!! I don't believe in karma:|:P
Besides, I haven't popped your balloon yet...>:(...windcatcher can only dream of doing such evil:D:D:D

I wonder if gargling will help...and I suppose kissing is out of the question? :(

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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The best cure there is for tonsilitis:
Boil water. Pour the water on your bed. Roll into your bed back and forth, 6 times, saying "Grmpfzxpoufpouf!". Then clip your toe nails, starting with the left foot. You should see improvements within 3 weeks.
I'm glad I could be helpful...:)

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kissing is out of the question?

I would definately avoid it if I were you until you know what is going on in your throat. Don't want to spread funky stuff to your guy.


I don't believe in karma

To each his own... :)

Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity!

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see my PM, why cant you get in before next week? Theres a good chance you have strep, waiting that long will just make it worse. Try calling your MD again and see if they can squeeze you in If your MD wont/cant see you, go to a quick care or go to the E.R. Dont piss off your immune system, it has a bad sense of humor.

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you shouldn't wait a week. If it is really tonsilitis you can look in your throat witha flashlight and see lits of white swelling. When I had it I couldn't eat any solid foods, and barely could eat stuff like pudding or jello. waiting a week the swelling will get worse.

Go to the school health center. They can't deny you an appointment if you show up sick. They also may be able to give yo a sample antibiotic or something. School doctors are usually good about htat stuff.

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i took those fkers out two yrs ago. worst pain ever. but the relief of never having to deal with them, priceless!!

i agree, just had mine out a couple months ago (along with my uvula and whatever else the doc found in there). hurt like a mofo!
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kissing is out of the question?

I would definately avoid it if I were you until you know what is going on in your throat. Don't want to spread funky stuff to your guy.
Sure you do. Go for it and enjoy. ;) If you're really good
then maybe you can render him speechless and in pain for a
week or more even. >:( Also, everyone knows that
women's immune systems are stronger then men's. One of
the things our gender does indeed have over them! :S
He's sure to get it probably at least 10X worse than you. (Especially if you happen to be a school teacher or student at the time.)B| Also, men are so unobservant that he probably won't even notice how terribly
sick you really are.

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you shouldn't wait a week. If it is really tonsilitis you can look in your throat witha flashlight and see lits of white swelling. When I had it I couldn't eat any solid foods, and barely could eat stuff like pudding or jello. waiting a week the swelling will get worse.

Go to the school health center. They can't deny you an appointment if you show up sick. They also may be able to give yo a sample antibiotic or something. School doctors are usually good about htat stuff.

well, I appreciate the concern...it's just, the school doctor is gone ( spring break), and I can't afford to pay out of pocket for antibotics at another hospital.
I can definitely see lots of white swelling in my throat....B|, but the pain I was having just from swallowing is gone. So next week I will know for sure what to do:S

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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Like everyone else im gonna say get to the doctor asap. Ive had tonsilitis mannny times and it sucks and only gets worse without meds. Also if they swell enough they will actually come close or actually touch which can affect your breathing...not fun to experience at 3am! Trust me!

Hope ya feel better soon!


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Sure have! Had it a couple of years ago. Ended up in the hospital with that, an extremely high fever, and a really nasty inner ear infection that came from ignoring the tonsillitis. I wouldn't wait too long before seeking treatment.

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The best cure there is for tonsilitis:
Boil water. Pour the water on your bed. Roll into your bed back and forth, 6 times, saying "Grmpfzxpoufpouf!". Then clip your toe nails, starting with the left foot. You should see improvements within 3 weeks.
I'm glad I could be helpful...:)

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Tonsilitis is just the symptom- red swollen tonsils resulting in a sore throat. Could be strep or some other infection. Strep's pretty bad and will make you fell pretty darn miserable but only a throat culture will say for sure if its strep or something else. If you've got a fever and swollen glands to go along with the sore throat, you should definitely see a doctor asap! The white stuff is a pretty good indication of strep, esp if you've got a fever and swollen glands. Other possibilites are mono or pharyngitis (sp)- also not fun.

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what is it? I think I may have it. I can't get to see the doctor for antibotics till next week:(
...will I be okay? :S

I'm a pretty tough girl, I normally don't see a doctor for much, but looking at the inside of my throat...B|...I think a visit is appropriate.:S

Go see a doctor. If you feel like you're swallowing broken glass when you swallow, that's probably what you've got. It's no picnic for an adult either, but the longer you leave it, the worse it's going to get.

In the meantime, buy a few quarts of ice cream. That helps a bit.

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