
Carrier landings

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Just got back from a week of flying at sea aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt, a Nimitz class aircraft carrier.

As much as many would say that there's something not quite right about our love of jumping out of "perfectly good airplanes," many others would say that there are many things that are definitely not right about carrier landings... flying a 40,000lb jet aircraft (40,000 pounds of aluminum, steel, jet fuel, and ordnance) hurtling towards a 100,000 ton mass of steel that's pitching, rolling, and heaving in heavy seas, and trying to hit a spot that's about thirty inches across, all at speeds of 120-150 mph. Add all the rotors, burbles, and wild aerodynamic effects of jet exhaust from aircraft on deck blowing aft, gusty winds, and things get more interesting. Then try doing that $h-t at night!

Man oh man.

Even after years of doing this, night landings still suck. Scary, scary, scary. Daytime, it's fun. Night time, it sucks.

I did take some cool pics, tho. Here are a few...

S-3B Viking

F-14 Tomcat

F/A-18F Rhino

Another tomcat




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Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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Is the last F-14 pic.. did he catch #4 or #3?

He caught the 2 wire, actually. In the pic, the 4 wire is forward of the nose, the mainmounts are skidding across the 3, and the hook is starting to stretch the 2 wire near the left edge of the pic.



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The guy can land a ROCKET ...on a BOAT...
in a STORM...at NIGHT!

But gettin' a link to work...'nother story!..:ph34r:

Come on, flying is simple - up, down, left, right, faster, slower.

What the heck does URL mean? Hyperlink? Is that something for a chain on Star Trek? Web site? Its that, uh, like where a spider makes its home?

Thanks, by the way.



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Night carrier landings? Did some in WW Nam. We Army helicopter pilots would put all the tables together with a nice coat of beer and do (nonprecision) approaches (all we had was an ADF). If somebody got their first hit, they were required to drink a "green mother fucker" (shot of everything on the bar plus two shots of creame de menthe); don't remember anybody keeping it down. All of this transpired after a safety meeting in the mess hall with the usual warnings about too much drinking. Alas, times have changed.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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I like to watch the planes at nigh and especailly when they miss the cables. After burners look COOL, I was stationed on the George Washington as a Marine security guard. I would "guard" the captain during gerenal quarters drills and just watch planes take off and land for a few hours.


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WTF are you doing on the BEast coast?! The SoCal weather scare you away?

So check this out.... went to [cough]MCAS[/cough] Miramar to visit a recon buddy. Haven't been there in years. His set up at the Q was sick, like a nice suite or something, but would you believe the O club was closed at 1959hrs?:o I heard that most of the squadrons are deployed but several rotorhead squadrons were resident. Apparently they don't drink :D!:D

Hey where did the Turkeys come from? VF-111?

See you 'round the DZ,

Pinoy PlierB|

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I did a tandem jump with the first woman, Lynn Spruel (sp?), to land a fighter type aircraft aboard a carrier at night. After opening, her first comment was "well, that was OK but it doesn't even come close to a night trap in weather". [:/]
The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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