
Skydivers' Personalities. You ever wonder?! (POLL kinda)

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Ok, this post is about the intriguing subject of the personalities of skydivers in general! If you are interested, I have included a few links to a popular type of personality assessment called the MBTI. It costs money to take the 'real' thing, but there are some online rough equivalents to use.

Now, I know that due to being online, the results are going to be swayed some, but maybe they can be compared with other online sites. However, in any case, it will prove interesting to see what yourself and your friends come up as!

NOTE: I do realize that a lot of this stuff is almost like astrology and that descriptions can seem like a 'cold read'. Of course, when you take a test and give preferences then obviously they can give you a 'warm read'. Nonetheless, it is still an amusing and useful *tool* that is used by a lot of psychologists today to help people decide on careers, etc. (although it may be going out of style) But regardless, it is still insightful and can be used as a springboard to think about yourself in different ways at the least!! :)
Ok, with that disclaimer out of the way here are links about it. BTW, there used to be a couple good free online tests but they are gone now (or I can't find) so you will just have to make do. (or if anyone knows a good one post it thx)

Oh yeah, also remember that some assessments are better than others and that there is a considerable chance that you get 'misdiagnosed' the first time so crossreference with more than one if u want to be careful. Also check out the type profiles and make sure they seem accurate too. Even on the professional one they make you look at the profiles to validate ur results. BTW, I have not taken nor analyzed any of these below things so I can't vouch for the results although the 4 question one can't be wrong if you accurately describe yourself. (which can be tough because it makes you decide between different poles which arent always clearcut which is why the multiple question ones exist)

Quick and dirty 4 question assessment: http://www.haleonline.com/psych/

72 question one:http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes1.htm

32 questions:http://quiz.ivillage.com/health/tests/pttphase1.htm

Page with links about it:http://www.geocities.com/dan_atteberry/MYERS-BRIGGS_KEIRSEY.html

Great page to read about type descriptions:http://typelogic.com/

Another good one with lots of info and an intro about everything. I recommend reading this one if you want to know more about it: http://www.personalitypage.com/info.html

Ok that's it. Hope ur not overwhelmed by that. Have fun and please post ur results! B|

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I've taken the long version of the MBTI. It is pretty interesting, and can be a useful tool in learning about yourself. I found some reasons I always butted heads with particular people, and worked out ways to deal with them a bit better. In many ways, the descriptions of my category do fit.

For what it's worth, I am a strong INTP:


My polar opposite would be


Sinkster's links take you to good info. Here is a link to a book I have at home about MBTI:


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Okay, I only did the first one...it's long, so read what you want :) Sounded about right!

Ok. Now for the payoff....

What is there to say about you? You're a lively and enthusiastic facilitator who applies warmth and vision to helping people and meeting their needs. You are aware of people's aspirations and develop plans of action to make those aspirations into reality. You're loyal to causes or people you like/respect.

You're tolerant and appreciative of others..seeking involvement with them in life's tasks. You're at your best when facilitating situations that require interpersonal sensitivity. You tend to be self-critical...

Now, just a bunch of ... strung together: cooperative, friendly and like harmony.... constantly on the go, involved in many things...love being with friends, clubs and any activity that allows you to be with others. You're gracious, charming, aware what is and isn't appropriate behaviour...also, you've got a verbal gift and communicate well..

You'll set goals and follow through diligently and usually get whatcha strive for...in group learning situations, you learn best where you can talk about the lesson/topic and interact with your peers...but you like SOME independent learning and projects...you feel responsible for the feelings of others... You radiate sympathy and understanding...

You like being a team leader...encourage cooperation...focus on ideals and work within those ideals...you do best when there's a spirit of harmony... you like your work to be settled and orderly, but not so much that it is dull, quiet or unchallenging...likely do well as actor, counselor, teacher, and anything else that lets you help others...

As a leader, you encourage others to participate and are not a neo-Nazi. You put personal relationships and responsibilities before you kick back. You enjoy reading novels and watching movies to see how tghe characters play out the life issues they confront in the story.. you like watching people...and BBSing on the Storm Palace...

You take others' needs seriously and often put your own needs on the back burner behind family, job or community....romantic...fall in love HARD... when commitments break, you get upset because you see as personal reflection on you because you've idealized the relationship...

Watch out for being blindly loyal to others or to causes that may not deserve your consideration...you're old fashioned....learn to recognize other people's limitations...don't avoid confrontation and conflict by sweeping it under the rug...don't take criticism personally and become illogical.... I'm getting tired from all this damn typing!

You're so idealistic, you often don't see things the way they REALLY are, but how you wish they were....try to be less sensitive...


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I took the four question and part of the long printout was
You tend to stay away from traditional leadership roles, and would rather lead with your ideas...you don't get emotionally involved, but rather tend to follow logical reasoning.....leisure has two dimensions to you: first, you like to concentrate and reflect on conceptual matters -- second, you like to take risks in the external world (like skydiving?)...

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Dirty 4 Question

ESFP: "Extra Special Friendly Person"

uh - I'm "special" alright, I am missing some screws after reading that.

32 Question

"The Conceiver"
An attitude in which interest, value and meaning are attached primarily to internal objects. External matters are habitually not valued or are difficult for the introvert.
Intuitionthe internal and external world are perceived through the unconscious. Intuitive types focus on the future, with a view toward patterns & possibilities.
Thinkinglogical and rational thought processes. It is the ability to make evaluations and judgments based on logical categories and ideas.
Perception"the journey is more important than the destination." Perception is open-ended, a never-ending stream of insights, experiences, and possibilities.

*sigh* I do not have time to try the 72 question one, I'll come back later. :D

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First link:
INFP: "I Never Find Perfection"
Second Link:
Your Type is
moderately expressed introvert
distinctively expressed intuitive personality
moderately expressed feeling personality
moderately expressed perceiving personality
Third link:
"The Searcher"
OK, that's it, I give up!
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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everyone has an 'N' so far! any infj's out there btw?! (the intj guy is interesting b/c that seems to almost be the last type of personality at least most people in general would assume to skydive, but i think that's awesome! i get along best with those 'nerdy' types on the dz!) i wonder if billvon is intj heh

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I got an "INTP" with the following:
  • slightly expressed introvert
  • moderately expressed intuitive personality
  • moderately expressed thinking personality
  • moderately expressed perceiving personality

  • I have a problem with yes and no questions. You basically have to generalize the situations.

    Respect the Dolphin

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    Im a INTJ according the 72 questions.

    * moderately expressed introvert
    * slightly expressed intuitive personality
    * moderately expressed thinking personality
    * moderately expressed judging personality

    I read the descriptions and they seem pretty acurate. I thought this was expecially fitting:

    "...INTJs are not at all eager to take command of projects or groups, preferring to stay in the background until others demonstrate their inability to lead."


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    INtP* here. The little t indicates a very slightly expressed thinking function, and that there isn't a J bone in my body ;)
    By the way, anyone who disagrees with the assessment should realize that one of the instructions is to read the descriptions, and if you think you're more like a different one, then you should at least consider re-classifying yourself. After all, interpretations and semantics can really do a number on answers to forced-choice questions.
    There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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    I'm an ISTJ apparently.

    * slightly expressed introvert
    * slightly expressed sensing personality
    * slightly expressed thinking personality
    * moderately expressed judging personality


    I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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    On the 4 question test, I was ENTP, although I felt like the first question was almost too close to call. So I took the 72 question test and was ENTP again. My "preferences" numbers were 44,22,78,44. Not sure what those mean.

    I took the i-village test and was INTP.

    I was actually surprised that three different tests gave such similar results (matching on 3 of the 4 attributes).



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    You're systematic, thorough, painstaking, and hardworking...You get the job done and complete it on time...you are serious and sincere in whatever you do..you work well within a structure...follow the hierarchy...and are particularly strong and careful in keeping track of facts and details...


    Cautious...generally seeking to maintain the status quo...you are at your best getting things to the right place at the right time....


    Serious, responsible and sensible stalwarts of society...trustworthy and honor your commitments...your word is your solemn vow. Practical and realisitic, you have great powers of concentration....hard to distract once you have embarked what you believe is the best course of action....


    You like to apply past experience to present decisions...you can cite accurate evidence to support your views...you're down to earth and seek to do the right thing at the appropriate time...you find it hard to understand people who start an education but don't finish it...


    You are diligent and persevering in your efforts...whether it be school, or work, or love...A half-finished job is not a job well done...you probably believe in "Say what you mean and mean what you say." Private by nature, you appear calm in moments of crisis...


    You believe in work before pleasure...(gee, like posting before playing the online games on Storm Palace?)..while you don't SEEK leadership positions, you might find yourself in one...you build a reputation for reliable, stable and consistent performance...


    You like to schedule....even your LEISURE time! It helps to you if it has a purpose, even if that purpose is sociability...to you, love means bigtime commitment, steadiness and consistency...you behave appropriately for what the situation demands (for example, romantic in the beginning, and so on)


    When you give your word and are ready to settle down, you follow-through... you expect your partners to act in a similar manner...you may stay in a poor relationship because of a sense of duty...you might have strong but unspoken reactions under that cool facade...


    Logical and analytical...quick to point out flaws in other people...when you feel scorned in a relationship, you may not let your partner know it..when it's obvious that the relationship is really over, ending it is just the practical thing to do...


    Things to look out for: you could immerse yourself in details...you could become rigid in your ways and be thought of as inflexible... don't forget to compliment people and be so concerned with getting the job done....you might overlook the long-range implications of your actions today...don't get stuck in a rut...recognize your emotions, and the values they represent... others might see you as insensitive...


    Also, you're skeptical of new ideas you don't see immediate and practical applications for...you may impose judgments on others...expect others to be the way YOU'd be...become more tolerant of difference between people.



    i guess so.
    "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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    ESTP - Extraverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving
    First line of the description says, "ESTPs are spontaneous, active folks. Like the other SPs, ESTPs get great satisfaction from acting on their impulses. Activities involving great power, speed, thrill and risk are attractive to the ESTP. Chronic stifling of these impulses makes the ESTP feel "dead inside."

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    Well, the 4-question and 72-question tests return ENTP, the inventor type. Interestingly enough, that's what I do. Pretty cool...

    I remember taking these tests in college and getting INTP, which makes sense, as I definitely used to be an introvert. Got over it, though...

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    INFP accordng to 72 questions

    The Healer


    Healers have a profound sense of idealism derived from a strong personal morality, and they conceive of the world as an ethical, honorable place. Indeed, to understand iNFps, we must understand their idealism as almost boundless and selfless, inspiring them to make extraordinary sacrifices for someone or something they believe in. The iNFp is the Prince or Princess of fairytale, the King's Champion or Defender of the Faith, like Sir Galahad or Joan of Arc. Healers are found in only 1 percent of the general population, although, at times, their idealism leaves them feeling even more isolated from the rest of humanity.

    I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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