
The "I dont owe you nuthin" thread

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Yell beer all you like.

First time for something? Landed on the wrong side of some line? Took a reserve ride?

I'm not going to buy a single beer for anyone.

No bottle of booze either.


In a sport where a clear, sharply focused mind is paramount, I cant possibly imagine a more absurd tradition.

I love you all, love skydiving with a passion, and would love to jump with lots of you.
I respect my rigger and what he does and if I take a sucessful ride on my reserve I will thank my rigger wholeheartedly for his diligence.

But you are all just gonna have to buy your own hooch B|
I dont owe nuthin to nobody :P

My mighty steed

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Hope your rigger doesn't read this. :o

If you don't drink you don't have to buy beer - any beverage to be shared amongst your fellow jumpers is fine. But you really should pay your rigger what he/she drinks if his/her packjob saves your life.

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Oweing the rigger is one of the oldest and most sacred tradtions in skydiving. You owe the rigger the bottle since he/she is the one that packed the parachute that just saved your non-reserve packing ass. My life is worth a bottle of their choice. Besides I'm getting my ticket to keep a bottle collection :P:D

I skip out on a lot of the beer rules since I don't drink much, but I still go buy at random times to keep the stories going around the campfire. The social aspect of the rules is why they are so great. Sitting around the campfire till late hours sharing a beer talking about jump stories is a great way to learn about the sport and people.

I guess you don't like safety meetings either huh? I'm not a fan of them but I know at almost every DZ they have happened and will continue to happen.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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One of the best things ever was when Amy (soarfree) bought gatorade and water for everyone. It was much appreciated instead of beer. I wish more people would do that. :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I dont owe nuthin to nobody...

...(I'm a )all around self serving bastard.
Oh yeah... ass. I forgot ass. I'm also an ass.


You are 100% right!

It's a NEW day...the HELL with tradition!

Here....let me spot for ya!!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I have bought lots of things at the DZ. From apple turnovers from a special bakery (for my first jump after hitting the apple tree) to beer, water, cartons of cigarettes. The idea is not to buy beer. It's to get something that everyone will enjoy. I don't always buy beer because I usually have a 1.5 hour drive home. I always buy some thing. To me it's about sharing.

Don't buy beer if you don't want to. But bring something every now and then. If your rigger saves your butt, you can find tons of things in the $20 range that would be nice to get them.

It's nice to share. Plus we need to feed these college kids with no money. ;)

The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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If your rigger saves your butt, you can find tons of things in the $20 range that would be nice to get them.

A few years ago when my rigger had more booze than I think he knew what to do with I asked around and got a suggestion of a gift certificate to his favorite eating hole. It is generally accepted that you should offer a token of appreciation to your rigger for saving your non-packin' ass.

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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You do realize of course it's a tradition and not an attack on you personally just get you to buy beer.
The tradition goes right back to the roots of Skydiving.
I bought for my first jump in 73, and for every first since then. Including buying for some completely made up firsts.
Why? It's part of the spport, it's a mjor tradition to most people who have been involved for any length of time.
It's not about the beer,
It's not about getting something for nothing from "YOUR PEERS"
It's about sharing the experiance you've just had with your peers.

If you choose not to buy, it's your choice. You'd be far from the first to do so.

But when everyone else is sharing that case of beer around the fire or bar, make sure you walk away and don't take one for yourself.
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You do realize of course it's a tradition and not an attack on you personally just get you to buy beer.
The tradition goes right back to the roots of Skydiving.
I bought for my first jump in 73, and for every first since then. Including buying for some completely made up firsts.
Why? It's part of the spport, it's a mjor tradition to most people who have been involved for any length of time.
It's not about the beer,
It's not about getting something for nothing from "YOUR PEERS"
It's about sharing the experiance you've just had with your peers.

If you choose not to buy, it's your choice. You'd be far from the first to do so.

But when everyone else is sharing that case of beer around the fire or bar, make sure you walk away and don't take one for yourself.

Well said. However, the original poster has two years in. I'm willing to bet he has paid good money for everything in skydiving from day one, as more and more skydivers have. Do we really expect them to view our traditions valid when every time they turn or want to learn there is someone there with their hand out?

Fair payment for services rendered. Well, perhaps so, but can we really expect to have it both ways?


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I agree that you should not have to buy for every BS "first". I think that every real first should buy something. (if you have the $$) At the Ranch, there is always plenty of beer at the bonfire. It just appears. It's not always bought for firsts. It usually bought just for fun. If you are going to enjoy the tradition of a few beers at the end of a day of jumping, you should also enjoy buying your share.

I am new to the sport. I found that it was easy to meet new people when you are sharing something. It's funny, the apple turnovers went over great. I had 2 old timers come over to me and thank me for bringing them. That led to the apple tree incident and a few laughs.

At the Ranch, it seems that they are pretty lenient with the beer rules. If you don't have the $$, no problem. Buying a 6 pack or 2 is also fine. We all know this sport is expensive. It's just about making the effort. I guess it all comes down to be nice, share what you can and be safe.


The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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I don't drink, and won't buy beer either, but I usually will do something. I have found that the thing skydivers like most after jumping and beer is food!! My biggest hits are rum cake and banana bread. (The rum cake disappears the fastest, and I've had requests to make and bring a ton of them to safety day. :D)

If you don't want to buy beer, just do something you're comfortable with. I don't do something for every first (or all of our fall rates would increase drastically! ;):D) but my dz is really cool about it. I always get a big thank you when I bring in my "beer" anyway.

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Since I'm just starting, I'm hemorrhaging money:(, but i think that buying beer is just a part of my trainning. Hopefully it will be a way to get several very experienced jumper to focus and address my 1st

Having said that, I haven't bought yet b/c I'm still in AFP and everything is a 1st:)
Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
I'm back biatches!

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Okay, you are right.

You don’t owe nuthin to nobody.

And if a guy with 6000 jumps organizes your load for free, and pays his own slot to get the plane in the air, you don’t owe nuthin to nobody.

And when the DZ sends the 15 slot turbine with 6 jumpers just to get you in the air, you don’t owe nuthin to nobody.

And when there’s stacks of pizza waiting for everyone at the end of the day, you don’t owe nuthin to nobody.

And if the manifester calls you because he found an extra slot on the load you wanted, or she saves your lost gear in manifest until you return, or gets you a pair of scissors or a band-aid when you need one, you don’t owe nuthin to nobody.

And if your rigger checks out a new set of gear that you want to buy, or spends time giving you recommendations or explanations about the gear you have, you don’t owe nuthin to nobody.

And when the pilot gets you extra altitude, you don’t owe nuthin to nobody.

And if the plane waits an extra minute so you can hop on the load even though you just walked in, you don’t owe nuthin to nobody.

And when the same group of people jumps with you again and again so that your learning curve counts for your better skills, you don’t owe nuthin to nobody.

And, should you land off, and you get a free ride back to the DZ within 10 minutes, you don’t owe nuthin to nobody.

And if you have a cutaway, and the neighbors call to tell you where your main landed, you don’t owe nuthin to nobody.

And after that cutaway, should the pilot fly the plane over the area to look for your freebag, and should your buddies tramp through the fields or woods to help you find it, you don’t owe nuthin to nobody.

And when you are offered free seminars all day on Safety Day, including snacks in the morning and food after jumping, you don’t owe nuthin to nobody.

And should a packer point out a little tear in your canopy, or show you a better way to route your bridle, or should she close the container just in time on the 5-minute call, you don’t owe nuthin to nobody.

And when you land across “some line” and endanger yourself or spectators, I guess you still don’t owe nuthin to nobody.

And if you drink or eat what is offered at the end of the day and fail to ask where it came from, and so miss an opportunity to make a new skydiving friend, you don’t owe nuthin to nobody.

But that guy or gal who did buy beer, or sponsored the pizza, or laid out some snacks, gets so much in return. He or she has provided the “social conduit through which information is exchanged,” as Mark Kruse would say. The more information is exchanged between skydivers, the safer we all are. That is what we hope for when somebody buys beer. All the rest of the good stuff on this list will happen anyway, because that is the kind of community you are a part of even if you choose not to participate. But don't worry, we'll buy our own hooch, we'll jump with you anyway, and you don’t owe nuthin to nobody.

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...we'll jump with you anyway, and you don’t owe nuthin to nobody.


Agree with EVERYTHING except that LAST line!

...I do understand WHY ~ChristL~ would make a post of that nature....I ckecked his 'Bio Page'

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I'm not going to buy a single beer for anyone.


This thread has already been done. Years ago. If you can find Alan Roulston, you can even get a "No Beer" number. On the other hand, you've been around long enough that you likely have one.

Me, I always bought my beer, for even the most ridiculous "firsts."

NCB#16 or maybe it's 17, I can't remember. Not enough beer. ;)

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I new the first time we met in PR I thought you were a sweet person, then again @ CK, now I know for sure saying this so elequintly and still being so stern.
I could learn so much to say it with out saying it.

say Hello to Hubby for me.

very nice

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