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EEESH I remember just how much damage was there in Xenia when I first got stationed at Wright-Patt. It was not long after the tornado... and I was headed out to the DZ the fist time.. trees all torn up.. buildings damaged..I would think underground homes would be more prevelant in places where those things are common.. Hell if I were forced to live back tehre I am thinking an old Military missile silo would be a good house:o

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that tornados from xenia, ohio where my home DZ is
i thought that was kinda cool

watch GUMO!! very wierd movie, but it takes place in xenia and deals withthe tornado some what... and remind me t tell yu the story some time ow i jumped at xenia and thensaw gmo and was freaked out from what had happened onmy trip!

"i have no reader's digest version"

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I'll never forget the tornado that ripped through Oklahoma on May 3, 1999. That sucker was huge and did tremendous damage. It carried debris for miles before dropping it. I must say that is the first time i wanted to be under ground.

I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid!

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lets hear it wingy

i've never seen a tornado...yet
one time like 5 years ago, well maybe more... there was a REALLY bad thunderstorm in lancaster my home town, and i was so afraid of a tornado coming i ran down stairs and hid under my dads bed for about 5 hours:$

now i just want to chase 'em down!

~boogie ho!!
pull before impact!
L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA

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lets hear it wingy

with mytyping skills it would take me forever to tell, lets just say it involves the greene county crew to include phreezone, and we'll add plfking in it too.... very interesting time back in 2002....... atleast i thnkit was 2002....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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I've seen 2 in my lifetime...one went across my front yard (we thought it was over and got back upstairs just in time to see it on the far side of our property-completely on the ground, destroying everything in site), the other was a little bit further down the road (it wasnt down on the ground though, but you could still see a lot of it...right before it hoppped over the mountain-did nothing to us since it wasnt on the ground...but nearly levelled a whole town on the other side of the mountain!)

Its was both one of the scariest and most amazing moments of my life. It's odd that my area of NY got hit once...but when the same area got hit twice it was insane!

I've been semi-obsessed with tornadoes since then, im petrified of them, but love them at the same time. I would LOVE to go chasing someday!

Hope you get to go and have a blast!


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I've been semi-obsessed with tornadoes since then, im petrified of them, but love them at the same time. I would LOVE to go chasing someday

Same here. Saw some as a kid and they have always drawn my attention. A tornado warning gets me as excited as a jump, but scare me more than anything else. I have lost count of how many funnel clouds I have seen, but only about 3 that were on the ground.

I was going to chase a few years back but just never had the time or money to go.

The power of a tornado is something you have to witness and respect. They will kill you the second you don't.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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I've been tornado chasing twice, once last year for two weeks and once the year before for one week. I have already booked and paid for my Master Class Tour this year on May 25th to June 5th with Roger Hill, one of the worlds leading Meteorologist in Supercell activity.
I have seen and ran out into softball sized hail to pick it up. I have seen F0 up to F4 tornados. Saw an F4 in Harpercounty last year. Lasted for over an 1 hour and destroyed many homes unfortunately. There were a number of supercells. The one that produced the F4 was rainrapped, we had to punch it from the south to see it (punching the core or bear cage as its called). We were within a mile of a 1/2 mile wide F4 wedge tornado. You could SMELL it.
If you are thinking of going on a tour I can recommend the best tours as there are a lot of bogus tours out there. A number of people on my tour had been on others tours, with other tour guides years previous and been VERY disapointed. Silver Lining and Tempest Tours are both very good. I have personally gone with Silver Lining two years running and NOT been disapointed.
HP, LP and classic supercells packing in over 5000 joules of CAPE, giant hailstones upto softball, F0 - F4 tornadoes within VERY close and visible distance, RFD's up to 75mph (hurricane strength), the most incredible lightning shows on earth. Go with Silver Lining dude, tell them Ryan from England sent you lol.B|

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I think I better warn you as well. Storm Chasing is VERY, VERY addictive. You think "if I see a really decent F4 stow pipe tornado, I'll be satisfied". WRONG!!
Once you have seen one, you want to catch a better one. If you catch one, I guarantee that you will be divided between the beginning of chasing season and skydiving season every year. Every year I say to my self that this will be the last year I spend money on chasing and start spending it on AFF, I failed again this year [:/].
I'm a huge severe weather head. I was caught in hurricane Andrew while on holiday in Miami, August 1992 and have been fascinated by severe weather ever since. So if you want to know anything, I'll be happy to point you in the right directions :)Give it a week or two and there will be some semi-decent models to help forcast this seasons activity coming out. Also, the NOAA is starting to show quite a promising active season, although there is a lot of moisture in Texas, which is good but my start to cool the atmosphere later in the season:(, we will have to see.

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that tornados from xenia, ohio where my home DZ is
i thought that was kinda cool

watch GUMO!! very wierd movie, but it takes place in xenia and deals withthe tornado some what... and remind me t tell yu the story some time ow i jumped at xenia and thensaw gmo and was freaked out from what had happened onmy trip!

I believe I still have Gummo....would be happy to pass it around since it's not on my current viewing list....lol.
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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I've seen 4 of them in my lifetime. Always an adrenaline rush. The one that slammed Huntsville, AL in 1973 (I was only 5 but I still remember it), and the others were along the Gulf coast, including one waterspout that passed less than 1/4 mile from our beach house! And who could forget spying a funnel cloud out of an isolated thunderhead over Pascagoula, MS while riding the Porter to altitude for a jump at Moss Point!!! [Shocked] That was back around 1997, I think...
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I took this picture as this tornado passed through Pierce City, MO on 5-4-2003.
Steve Babin
"Science, logic and reason will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into buildings."
"Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up."

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that tornado's from xenia, ohio where my home DZ is
i thought that was kinda cool

I remember a tornado going through Xenia late in 2003.....that was some scary shit, but really fun too!! B| We all went and hid in Jim's basement. :P

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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The "small" refers to the reduction in the file size of the photograph. I have it on video for about 3.5 minutes. It was an F-3 and will be highlighted on an issue of "Storm Stories" on mar 11 on the Weather Channel:

"Friday, March 11 - 8:00 p.m. - "Shelter From The Storm" - Pierce City, MO, is devastated by an F-3 tornado. Most residents take shelter in the Armory since it's thought to be one of the sturdiest structures in the area. More than 12,000 homes were lost and 45 people died in the area between Kansas, Missouri, and Tennessee."
"Science, logic and reason will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into buildings."
"Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up."

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