
My Son Made "A" Honor Roll!

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At one time or another, making passing grades is tough for kids. My youngest son is 10 and in the 4'th grade. Throughout his beginning school years, he has struggled to make non-failing grades and control his behavior problems.

In Kindergarten, he spent more time in the principal's office because he couldn't/wouldn't behave than he did in class! In First grade, he was finally diagnosed ADHD and was put on 10 mg. Adderall. His behavior improved, but still had problems with grades.

Today, for the very first time, he has made "A" honor roll and complete "Satisfactoy" in behavior.


I'm [B]SO[/B] Proud!!! :D


Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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At least he's not as naughty as his Mom.

True..true...but I still have hope for him yet. :P It took me 44 years to attain this level of naughtiness! :$

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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At least he's not as naughty as his Mom.

True..true...but I still have hope for him yet. :P It took me 44 years to attain this level of naughtiness! :$

Yeah - but do you really want him to be shake the foundation of all we know as holy?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Yeah - but do you really want him to shake the foundation of all we know as holy?

Define "holy." ;)

And coming from you....I'm going to take this as a major compliment.

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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Define "holy."

I've had a chick or two give me something along the lines of a "religious" experience. :D I've certainly yelled "Oh God" quite a few times. :D:D

But that was just your interpretation of what was really the utterance "Ba Baaa":D

One day he'll get tired of all the sheepishness and go postal on us.:o:ph34r::ph34r:
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Great job Nolan, Keep it up buddy.

great job Nina.

Thank you. Thank you very much! :D

See? I can make a post that didn't start out with sex!!! :)

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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