
Is bad Karma coming to your next reserve ride?

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Tradition has it that when you take a reserve ride you get your rigger a bottle of what ever they want. In the last two weeks I have had three reserve saves and have yet to receive a drop!>:( And yes, this effects all of us since anyone that knows me will most certainly miss the Rum Runners that I make at boogies. No rum, no rum runners!:o:(:|[:/]B|

So I ask, will this bring bad karma to the scoundrels as tradition has it? What should be done to rum running depriving #$$%%%?

Stay safe,
Time and pressure will always show you who a person really is!

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I suggest tar and feathering...For my first reserve ride, my riggers getting several gallons of whatever he/she wants...B|...But that's just me...Maybe I need to send you my rig Mike...:)...Just in case...:ph34r:...

~R+R:)...Hey, shit happens...but don't deprive the world of the infamous Rumrunners!!:o Damnit people pay up!;):P
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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So I ask, will this bring bad karma to the scoundrels as tradition has it? What should be done to rum running depriving #$$%%%?

Yeah, it is. Just growl menacingly at the offending person. That should scare the shit out of them! :)

Edit to add: I paid up right away after my chop...;)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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C'mon. Do you guys make these things up as you go along or what.

\Seems like every time I turn around it's a case for this a case for that, NOW we graduate to bottles WTF

I think we need a thread. Rules for oweing the beverage. All the rules. And not for DZO's riggers, coaches, etc. us newbies need to get you fkrs too.
consider the thread started.

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C'mon. Do you guys make these things up as you go along or what.

\Seems like every time I turn around it's a case for this a case for that, NOW we graduate to bottles WTF

no case for your lifesaving rigger.... A bottle of liquor...

The case of beer is for the people who were around for your reserve ride :)
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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An unwritten law, one as immutable and irrefutable as gravity and backed by history, states that skydivers enjoy the drinking of beer almost as much as flight itself.

A manifestation of this fact is the tradition of the buying by an individual skydiver a case of beer (that being twenty-four cans or bottles holding twelve or more ounces of beer, ale, or some similar such substance) for his or her fellow jumpers to celebrate the accomplishment of a particular feat or milestone in one's jump career.

It is generally recognized that the buying and drinking of such beer enhances that common bond shared by skydivers and contributes greatly to the body of knowledge concerning parachuting and its related activities.

It is a sad fact that some skydivers are ignorant of what constitutes a significant achievement (usually and henceforth referred to as a "first"). Equally sad is the fact that some unscrupulously thirsty jumpers will shamelessly try to "weasel" a case of beer out of a jumper for an inauspicious event.

Recognizing this, the following happenings are to be regarded as suitable occasions for buying beer. This list is not to be construed as exhaustive.

First jump (It is not required of students. They are simply encouraged to participate).

If more than one first is accomplished on a single jump, only one case of beer is required.

Participation is voluntary. If a skydiver chooses not to participate by buying, neither shall the skydiver enjoy the fruits of the accomplishments of others.

Non-drinkers may buy sodas and buyers may make up any part or whole of their purchase in soda for the enjoyment of those non-drinkers.

It is generally recognized that using a reserve parachute for the purpose of saving one's worthless, non-packing self from a gory death requires him to buy the saving rigger dinner or the bottle of liquor of his choice.

These articles are ironclad and binding. For the price of an additional six-pack, a sniveling skydiver may enlist the services of an S & TA to represent him or her in a hearing where the committee will rule against that skydiver a second time.

Completing the student course of instruction
First four way
First eight way
First CRW
First time in the peas
First night jump
First kiss pass
First competition
First water jump
First naked jump
First jump on your own pack job
First dead center (measured by a judge or electronic scoring pad on a three or five cm disc)
First jump on a new main or new rig (purchased, not borrowed)
Any license, award, rating, or badge
Getting your name or photo in "Parachutist" Magazine
Gross safety violations not resulting in serious injury or death
Any jump ending in "00"
First cutaway/reserve ride
First jump from an aircraft not normally used at home drop zone
First jump at a new drop zone
First demo jump
First save (you riggers thought you were getting off easy)
Vomiting in the airplane or on another skydiver
First round canopy jump (Geez, used to be the other way around)
First broken bone
First camera jump

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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C'mon. Do you guys make these things up as you go along or what.

\Seems like every time I turn around it's a case for this a case for that, NOW we graduate to bottles WTF

I think we need a thread. Rules for oweing the beverage. All the rules. And not for DZO's riggers, coaches, etc. us newbies need to get you fkrs too.
consider the thread started.

Your life isn't worth a bottle? If a rigger saves your ass, you should repay them because you are around to do so. If it wasn't for them your ass would be grass, literally.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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But the bottle for the rigger that saved your life goes waaay back, before skydiving. Riggers have been packing reserves and saving airmens' lives since WWI.

SOOO what is the rule for the rigger that packs your C-9 main so it does a 180 inversion.... MaeWest...

AS far as bottles.. Dues are paid from my reserve rides...Both Jeffs from Velocity got one bottle so far.;)

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But the bottle for the rigger that saved your life goes waaay back, before skydiving. Riggers have been packing reserves and saving airmens' lives since WWI.

Man, I must owe a ton of bottles by now :D Good point, if I was that rich I would buy those still alive, bottles of whatever they pleased.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Hi Mike,
Snivle, snivle, bitch, bitch!!! You ain't gettin' no beer and no whiskey either so quit yer' bitchin!! Back in the daze when men were men and sheep were nervous, an airman paid his respects to the asshole rigger whose pack job saved his sorry ass life with a bottle of good whiskey!!! It is a good tradition to carry on. The guy that lived was damned luckey to be alive having bailed out of his shot up airplane with the Germans or Japs hot on his ass and having lived thru the opening of a 24' twill canopy deployed out of a seat pack on a cotton harness!!!! Hell yes when he got back to the base, he was going to find that rigger, get a bottle of whiskey and they would get drunk!!!! (We're talking manly men here!!) These daze people don't bail out of crippled aircraft anymore, they don't wear parachutes (well, most don't) other than military types. Skydivers on the other hand, oh well!! Over the years, I've gotten a few bottles of good booze and a bunch of beer for "saves." But rather than have a guy go blow hell out of 20 bucks for beer or whiskey for me, I prefer to have a toast. After jumping and it's beer call at "Pancho's Happy Bottom Riding Club" (anyone remember "The Right Stuff"?) I have the user of my pack job buy us a couple of beers and I toast the guy (or lady) for their diligence during their adversity and have them toast me for furnishing a great pack job which saved their life! Was it just that pack job, NO!! it's all of 'em because you don't know when the main is gonna take a shit!!! Well bud, I hope your luck changes and you get some whiskey real soon. Hell, if nobody buys you any booze soon, I'll buy a bottle of Jim Beam and we'll get drunk any way, to He2xL wit those other ungratefull geek flailers!!
Oh BTW, when I worked for Douglas Aircraft on the ACES II Ejection seat progam, I had several jet jocks flying F-15's, F-16's, A-10's and a couple out of a B-1B use my pack jobs but did I get any Booze from them?? Hell I didn't even get a thankyou card!! Oh well. Anyway, like I said, if nothing else, I'll buy a bottle of booze and we'll get drunk!!! Screw-em!!!!
PS, Jim Beam, Jack, Bacardi or????? I can go for a Cuba Libre' about now.
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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