
Good vibes for Eric!!

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Welcome back, Eric!! So good to see you back on-line with the rest of your family! :):)

cya soon,

It's great to be back. Even if it is on a dial-up connection from a hospital bed...

At least you've transitioned successfully back to having on-line support instead of being on-life support! B|:):)

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I don't know you, but I have been following this thread and praying for you. Seeing you post here has put a smile on my face today...a smile that has been missing for quite a while.:)
My best to you on your continuing recovery.

Cheers bro,


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Welcome back! I'm in Africa - and we've never met - but I'm a former CReW dog and have jumped at Perris... and that was all the bond I needed to identify with you. (That and also having smashed myself - but not nearly as well as you!;))

You're a tough one! Long road to recovery - and it looks like you're going to have plenty of people to help you out along that road.:)
Blue Skies,

It's the year of the Pig.

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Nice to see ya back brother(who I've never met). I saw the incident post but didn't see this post. I think all the hugs and prayers helped pull your stubborn as through!;) You know that dieing was the easy way out and you refused. After reading back through this thread it's pretty obvious that a lot of people here care an awful lot about you. Don't let them down. Keep up the good work and everything else will take care of itself.
Welcome back with good vibes!

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Welcome back eric, I bet being online again fels great! You'll start to enjoy the little comforts in life that you had taken for granted before accident. Let me tell you, peeing standing up again will bring a tear to your eye

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Brother, I thought at first I would never talk to you again. We where just starting to get to know each other pretty good then............ Don't worry about the video that was just a joke, and yes that was a FUN JUMP! I am glad you have pulled through. I can't wait to see you again and I still owe you a beer. Damn, maybe I shouldn't have reminded you about that, you might have forgot!;) Have you had any Napalm dropped on you lately?:D:D When Laurie told me about that I couldn't stop laughing! Seriously, I am glad you are going to be ok. What are your visiting hours over there? Maybe I will come and sneak you a SKYDIVER BLONDE. Seems I came across a free case the other day! OH, BTW if you get back in the air someday and do something like that again, I'll have ta kill ya!


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Eric, I'm so very happy for you that you are well enough to post. We have missed you out here at Perris and can't wait to see you again. I know you have a very long road ahead of you but I hope the worst is finally over.
Blues ones...keep your head up and let us know what's going on when you can.

Skydiving gave me a reason to live
I'm not afraid of what I'll miss when I die...I'm afraid of what I'll miss as I live

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Brother, I thought at first I would never talk to you again. We where just starting to get to know each other pretty good then............ Don't worry about the video that was just a joke, and yes that was a FUN JUMP! I am glad you have pulled through. I can't wait to see you again and I still owe you a beer. Damn, maybe I shouldn't have reminded you about that, you might have forgot!;) Have you had any Napalm dropped on you lately?:D:D When Laurie told me about that I couldn't stop laughing! Seriously, I am glad you are going to be ok. What are your visiting hours over there? Maybe I will come and sneak you a SKYDIVER BLONDE. Seems I came across a free case the other day! OH, BTW if you get back in the air someday and do something like that again, I'll have ta kill ya!


Well if you really want that video just let me know and I'll hook you up. Visiting hours here are very liberal but I spend most of the day working with PT and OT so evenings are best. I don't remember you oweing me a beer but I'll take you up on the skydiver blonde :). Everything goes better with blondes ;). Hey, I'm even on an air bed, could be interesting!


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Eric, I'm so very happy for you that you are well enough to post. We have missed you out here at Perris and can't wait to see you again. I know you have a very long road ahead of you but I hope the worst is finally over.
Blues ones...keep your head up and let us know what's going on when you can.

Thanks so much. I can't tell you how much I miss all of my friends and fellow skydivers from Perris. Hell after this long I even miss the people I DON'T like! :P Unfortunately it's going to be quite a while before I'm able to get out there but visitors are always welcome. Take care and be safe.

Blue Skies!

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