
So, what do you believe?

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No ones been jamming anyone else on this thread.

Yet. Those of us who've been around here for a few years have seen these types of threads self-destruct over and over and over.


However, I will say that there are a lot of threads in TalkBack where your use of profanity fits right in with the topic. This is not one of them.

You're going to need to grow a much thicker skin to be comfortable hanging around here or the dz if the use of profanity bothers you.


So, if you are not interested in a way to participate, and it pisses you off, you may want to forego this thread.

Those of us in green don't have a choice. Especially when a thread deals with a hot button subject like religion.

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Yet. Those of us who've been around here for a few years have seen these types of threads self-destruct over and over and over.

I can see why - but it does not have to go in that direction if everyone respects one another's religious or spiritual views.


You're going to need to grow a much thicker skin to be comfortable hanging around here or the dz if the use of profanity bothers you.

Although I appreciate the sentiment Lisa, this thread is not about me, and have no desire to make it so. Also, the skin is just fine.


So, if you are not interested in a way to participate, and it pisses you off, you may want to forego this thread.

Those of us in green don't have a choice. Especially when a thread deals with a hot button subject like religion.

How true

"The helicopter approaches closer than any other to fulfillment
of mankind's ancient dreams of a magic carpet" - Igor Sikorsky

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Not really sure what you are talking about. No ones been jamming anyone else on this thread.

Actually, I put that in there as a preemptive strike. I have not seen a single one of these threads in the history of this website that hasn't gone exactly like I describe.

I gather that.. but hey, let's innocent until proven guilty -

It would be a shame if folks could not discuss this and be respectful of each other as well, but maybe that's as good as it gets @ DZ.COM. Haven't been on here long enough to know, but trying to think positive -

"The helicopter approaches closer than any other to fulfillment
of mankind's ancient dreams of a magic carpet" - Igor Sikorsky

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In the British Army there is a long standing tradition that in the officers mess three subjects are banned from discussion.
1. Religion
2. Politics
3. Women

There is a reason why these three subjects were banned. They led to so to many fights, arguments and duels that they risked threatening the very fabric of the professional army. Many would do well to head the old traditions and have no cause for complaint when the predicted difficulties come their way.

This thread, however was not started as a point for discussion. It's a poll. There is no need to discuss anything, nor even reply to anything. Its simply a means to survey the religious beliefs held by other members.

I do not doubt that it too will succumb to the arguments and bashings of its precursors however.

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Yet. Those of us who've been around here for a few years have seen these types of threads self-destruct over and over and over.

and over and over and over...;)

This thread, like so many others, is just asking for an arguement about how "my religion is right.. and how every body that dissagrees is wrong....

But, if you don't want to burn in hell for eternity
My god can save you from your pre existing condition... Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

Shit! I hope that I just didn't take the religious troll bait.

I travel the land, Work in the ocean, Play in the sky

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This thread, however was not started as a point for discussion. It's a poll.

Sure. I don't want to sell you this bridge, I just want your opinion on it. However, if you'd like to buy it, I can give you a good price. ;)

Here is the approach:
1. "It's such a beautiful day"
2. "Such beauty can't be an accident"
3. "So where did it come from?"
4. "Well let me tell you about it...I mean, just for discussion sake..."

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Isn't that one of the problems of trolls. If you respond to tell them they're busted, they succeed. :D

Well I'm going to continue like this was just a well-intentioned innocent poll.

What do I believe? I believe that cable tv should have no commercials, I'm already paying for it. Also, more boobies. No commercials and more boobies, then life is good. :)

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Errr........Normaly I'd agree with you but Skymonkey1 is a moderator, its his responsibiliy to keep an eye on this thread. :$
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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if you are certain of the existance of a supreme being, you are not agnostic. agnostics will not commit to the existance or non-existance of a deity. they simply don't know. Deists, on the other hand, believe in the existance of a supreme being, yet deny "relevation" religions, religions that base their teachings on texts such as the bible. A deist believes that everything you need to know about God can be observed in the world around you, and can be discovered using your own logic.

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your poll is woefully short of answers and decidedly biased by the ones it has...

open your mind, god is everywhere and cares nothing for any of the dogma man has created...

maybe you should try using the search function before you start yet another thread on this topic too....

edited to add my favorite belief yet..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I'm keeping an eye on it just to see when the explosions will happen.

Hey, let's get another poll going with people placing bets to see how long this threads goes before it gets locked or disappears. Person with the closes time bet gets a free skydive:)
To the greenies, you know you all have my full support. You all do a great job.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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What do I believe? I believe that cable tv should have no commercials, I'm already paying for it. Also, more boobies. No commercials and more boobies, then life is good.

What do I believe? I believe in the sweet spot, soft core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep,
soft, wet kisses that last three days...;)

I'm with the other moderators on this one. I believe that if you do a search, you'll pretty much already know what everyone believes on multiple threads.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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if you are certain of the existance of a supreme being, you are not agnostic. agnostics will not commit to the existance or non-existance of a deity. they simply don't know. Deists, on the other hand, believe in the existance of a supreme being, yet deny "relevation" religions, religions that base their teachings on texts such as the bible. A deist believes that everything you need to know about God can be observed in the world around you, and can be discovered using your own logic.

Hmmm.....well now I'm confused as to what I am. B|

I'm really not sure of the existence of a God, which leans me toward agnosticism. However, sometimes I like to think there is one, as it provides a certain level of comfort when I need it. Still I can't prove either way, and that drives me mad.

So does that make me Agnostic or Deist??? :S

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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What do I believe? I believe in the sweet spot, soft core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep,
soft, wet kisses that last three days...

OMG, I am taken aback. Is that our sweet little Andrea talking like that. Okay, who stole Andrea's password and logged on in her name?
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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OMG, I am taken aback. Is that our sweet little Andrea talking like that. Okay, who stole Andrea's password and logged on in her name?

LOL...no, that's really Kevin Costner talking like that. But, I think you'll have a few people rolling on the floor laughing if you're surprised that I would talk like that! :ph34r:
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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if you are certain of the existance of a supreme being, you are not agnostic. agnostics will not commit to the existance or non-existance of a deity. they simply don't know. Deists, on the other hand, believe in the existance of a supreme being, yet deny "relevation" religions, religions that base their teachings on texts such as the bible. A deist believes that everything you need to know about God can be observed in the world around you, and can be discovered using your own logic.

That's not so bad...

I also like chocolate. And for today, anything Skymama is saying

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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